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Raising Livestock : Raising Ducks

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( Anas spp. )

Raising Ducks

Also known as Duck Duck (bhs.Jawa). His ancestors came from North America is a wild duck (Anas moscha) or Wild mallard. Continue to be domesticated by humans until the duck is maintained now called Anas domesticus (duck).

Internationally duck concentrated in countries in North America, South America, Asia, the Philippines, Malaysia, England, France (country
has a tropical and subtropical season). While in Indonesia duck centered in the region of Java island (Tegal, Brebes and Mojosari), Kalimantan (Alabio District, District Amuntai) and Bali and Lombok.
3. J E N I S
Classification (categorization) of ducks, according to his type are grouped into 3 (three) categories, namely:

Laying ducks like the Indian Runner, Khaki Campbell, Buff (Buff Orpington) and CV 2000-INA;
2) broiler like Peking Duck, Rouen, Aylesbury, Muscovy, Cayuga;
3) ornamental duck (duck pet / hobby), such as East India, Call (Grey Call), Mandariun, Blue Swedish, Crested, Wood.

Types of seeds are bred, especially in Indonesia is kind of like duck duck as dost, Khaki Campbell ducks, Alabio, mojosari duck, duck bali, CV 2000-INA ducks and duck-duck as other superior who is a product of CPM (Central Research Livestock) Ciawi, Bogor.

For independent populist economic enterprises.
2) To obtain the consumption of duck eggs, meat, and duck breeding.
3) could droppings as fertilizer plant food / crops.
4) As the days activities pension charger.
5) To achieve the nation through the provision of community nutrition.
Regarding the location of the cage to be considered are: location location location far from the hustle / residential population, have transportation, easily accessible location from the location of the stable of marketing and environmental conditions have a favorable climate for livestock production and productivity. Ducks and location conditions are not prone to evictions in some production periods.
Before a farmer started his business, must prepare ourselves, especially in terms of raising the understanding of pancausaha namely (1).
Housing; (2). Bibit Unggul; (3). Cattle Feed; (4). Governance and (5). Livestock Products Marketing.
6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment

1. Terms of stable temperature ± 39 degrees C.
2. Humidity ranges between 60-65% cage
3. Lighting provided to facilitate setting cage enclosure to enclosure in accordance with the function of good parts of the cage
4. There cage model 3 (three) types namely:
a. cage to duckling (DOD) can stater oada period is also called the stable box, with a size of 1 m2 to accommodate 50 male DOD
b. Brower cage (for teens duck) is called the stable model Ren / cage tail groups / group size 16-100
c. screen cage (for the period of egg-laying duck) models can be battery-cage (one or two tails in one box) can also form stable locations (groups) with the size of each square meter of 4-5 adult ducks (egg-laying period or for 30 adult ducks with the size of the cage 3 x 2 meters).
5. Stable condition and its equipment
The stable condition of the material does not need an expensive but simple enough origin durable (strong). For equipment such as where to eat, where to drink and perhaps other additional perelengkapan positive intention in the management

6.2. Seeding
Ducks that are kept must be truly a superior cattle that have tested its superiority in producing the expected result of livestock.
1) Selection of seeds and the prospective parent
The selection of seeds there are 3 (three) ways to obtain a good seed ducks are as follows:
a. buying duck eggs from the parent who secured its superiority
b. maintain the parent is male + female duck duck eggs excel to get stuck and then just put it on, chicken or hatching machine
c. buy DOD (Day Old Duck) from the nurseries that are well known quality and that has received recommendations from agencies DOD setempat.Ciri good husbandry is not disabled (no pain) with a shiny yellow coat color.
2) Treatment of seedlings and the prospective parent
a. Seed Treatment
Seeds (DOD) who had just arrived from the nursery, should be handled technically wrong not to care. As for handling as follows: seedlings received and placed in a brooder cage (plants) that had been prepared earlier. And the things that need to be considered in the brooder brooder temperature is expected to be distributed evenly duckling, brooder cage capacity (box) for 1 m2 to accommodate 50 male DOD, the feeding and watering in accordance with the provisions of which is a type of duck feed and phase stater drink need added vitamins / minerals.
b. Nursing candidates Parent
Prospective parent ducks there are two types of parent to parent egg production and consumption for the production of eggs. Nursing both the same, the difference only to the holding for the production of hatching eggs must be males with a ratio of 1 male to 5 - 6 cows female.
3) Reproduction and Marriage
Reproduction or breeding is to obtain fertile eggs / fruit well by drake. While the mating system is known there are two kinds of ducks hand mating / feeding ducks were created by man and nature mating (mating ducks naturally).
6.3. Maintenance

1. Sanitation and Preventive Actions
Cage sanitation needs in ducks and preventive maintenance (prevention of disease) need to be considered early warning of the emergence of diseases.

2. Controller Disease
Done at any time and carefully and thoroughly. Seriously flawed and handle when there are signs of not feeling well on ducks.

3. Feeding
Feeding the ducks in three phases, namely phase stater (age 0-8 weeks), grower phases (age 8-18 weeks) and phase-screen (age 18-27 weeks). The third phase of the feed so the feed from the factory (in practical) with the code of each phase.
How to feed and are divided into four groups:
a. given the age of 0-16 days on the feeding flat (tray feeder)
b. given the age of 16-21 days with tray feeder and distribution floor
c. age 21 days samapai 18 weeks spread the floor.
d. age 18 weeks-72 weeks, there are two of the first 7 days by feeding the transition by considering the beginning of egg-laying production until production reaches 5%. After the ducks were feeding on an ad libitum (continuous).

In the case of an ad libitum feeding of ducks, to save both the cost of feed ration itself the usual place diranum from materials such as corn, rice bran, fish meal, bone meal, bean meal and drink provision of feed supplements duck, duck also based on age, namely:
a. age 0-7 days, for the first 3 days IAR drink plus vitamins and minerals, where such acids for chicks.
b. ages 7-28 days, where the drinking edge cage and water were given ad libitum (continuous)
c. age 28 days-treated, drinking cups, rectangular form with a size of 2 mx 15 cm and a height of 10 cm for the 200-300 tail. Every day cleaning.

4. Maintenance Cage
Cage should always be kept clean and useful resources to production is not affected from the existing stable condition.

7. Pests and diseases
Broadly speaking duck diseases grouped in two respects, namely:

diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa
2) diseases caused by nutrient deficiency and administration of the lack of proper housing

The usual type of disease in ducks infected are:


Duck Cholera Disease
Causes: Bacterial Pasteurela avicida.
Symptoms: diarrhea, paralysis, greenish yellow stools.
Control: cage sanitation, treatment with penicillin injections in the breast tissue with appropriate doses of the drug label.
2. Salmonellosis illnesses
Causes: Bacterial typhimurium.Gejala: shortness of breath, diarrhea.
Control: good sanitation, treatment with furazolidone through the diet at levels of 0.04% or sulfadimidin mixed with drinking water, dose adjusted to the drug labels.
8. P A N E N

8.1. Main results
The main result, businesses are laying duck duck eggs
8.2. By-product
The result added a rejected parent, as a male duck meat and livestock manure as fertilizer is a valuable plant
Postharvest activities carried out are biased preservation. By preserving the economic value of duck egg will be longer than if not undertaken preservation. Eggs are not given preservation treatment can only hold for 14 days if stored at room temperature even will soon rot. The pickling treatment consisted of 5 kinds, namely:

Preserving with warm water
Preserved with preservation of warm water is the simplest of duck eggs. In this way the eggs can survive for 20 days.
b) Preservation of eggs with guava leaves
Soaking eggs with guava leaves can maintain the quality of eggs for approximately 1 month. Eggs that have been soaked will change color to brownish like boiled eggs.
c) Preservation of eggs with coconut oil
Pickling is a preservation impractical. In this way the egg shell color and taste has not changed.
d) Preservation of eggs with sodium silicate
Preservation materials merupkan viscous liquid sodium silicate, is a colorless, clear, and odorless. Natirum silicate can cover the pores of the shell so that the eggs durable and lasting up to 1.5 months. The way is to soak the eggs in a solution of sodium silikat10% for a month.
e) Preservation of eggs with salt
Salt soaked in a solution of common salt (NaCl) with a concentration of 25 - 40% for 3 weeks.

10.1. Cultivation of Business Analysis
Approximate analysis of duck farming in Semarang in 1999 was as follows:

1) Share Capital
a. Working capital
- Son of duck egg ready um 6 bl 36 x USD 6000 paketx500 oak
- Cost efficient operations and other
Rp 108,000,000, -
Rp 4.000.000, -
b. Capital Investment
- The need for the cage 36 package x Rp 500.000, -
Rp 18,000,000, -
Total capital requirement
Prasyaratan credit desired:
- Flowers (decrease) 20% / year
- The 1-year installment responsibility
- Length of 3-year loan of Rp 130,000,000, -

2) Fees
a. Smoothness cost of business and other Rp 4.000.000, -
b. Fixed costs
- Cost of credit pengambalian:
- Cost pengambalian installments and interest in First
- Cost pengambalian and interest in the second installment
- Cost pengambalian installments and interest in III
- Depreciation of the cage:
- First-year depreciation expense cage
- Depreciation expense in the second enclosure
- Depreciation expense in the third enclosure

Rp 14,723,000, -
Rp 86,125,000, -
Rp 73,125,000, -

Rp 3,600,000, -
Rp 3,600,000, -
Rp 3600000, -

3) Costs are not fixed
a. Fee payments ration:
- First-year cost ration
- Second year cost ration
- Third year cost ration
Rp 245,700,000, -
Rp 453,600,000, -
Rp 453,600,000, -
b. Payment of costs of production ready to duck:
- First-year payments
- Payment of the second year
- Payment of the third year
Rp 108,000,000, -
c. Payment of costs of medicines:
- Payment of costs of medicines in I
- Payment of costs of medicines in the second
- Payment of costs of medicines in the third
(The cost of drugs is 1% of the cost of ration)
Rp 2,457,000, -
Rp 4,536,000, -
Rp 4,436,000, -

4) Revenue
a. Sales of eggs year I Rp 384,749,920, -
b. Sales of eggs in II Rp 615,600,000, -
c. Sales of eggs in III Rp 615,600,000, -
d. Sales of duck culling 2 x 1425 x USD 2000, - to Rp 5,700,000, -
10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview
Duck eggs and meat export commodity which can provide huge profits. The need for eggs and meat the international market is very large and still not balanced from existing inventory. It can be seen that only two countries Thailand and Malaysia, which became the largest exporting country. Until now, duck farming is still a commodity that promise to be developed intensively.

1. Bambang Suharno, Ir. and Khairul Amri. Intensive breeding ducks. Publisher of the groups. Year 1998
2. Editors Trubus. Duck breeding CV. 2000-INA. Publisher of the groups. Year 1999
3. Prawoto; Breeder ducks. Sitemu Village Kec. Regency Park Pemalang, Central Java 52361st
1. Rural Community Economic Development Project - BAPPENAS
Coconut Jl.Sunda No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829
2. Office of State Minister for Research and Technology, Utilization and Correctional Deputy Science and Technology, BPPT Building II, 6th Floor, Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 8, 10340th Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166 ~ 69, FAX. +62 21 310 1952, Website:

Rural Community Economic Development Project, Bappenas