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Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus), Budidaya Pembesaran

Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus), Budidaya Pembesaran From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus), Budidaya Pembesaran facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category , , Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus), Budidaya Pembesaran Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus), Budidaya Pembesaran From category , , Below : Product Details : Lobster Air Tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus), Budidaya Pembesaran

Enlargement is the most recent stage in the cultivation of lobsters. The end result was a lobster for consumption purposes or for ornamental lobsters.

The main thing is swimming in lobster cultivation, seed, water quality, and feed.

Swimming for lobster aquaculture ponds in principle the same as for freshwater fish farming. Could pool or pond soil cement. Optimal depth is between 60 cm-1, 5 m. Depths less than it was actually still be in use as long as it is given adequate shelter.

What distinguishes lobster with swimming pools for fish farming is the armature. Lobster pond must be equipped with a hiding to anticipate the nature of cannibalism. Materials commonly used are paranet, pieces of bamboo, pieces of PVC pipe or coconut leaves. Also part of the pool should be made smooth to prevent defection lobster.

Seed quality selected seed size is 2 inches or more and aged no more than two months. If the size of two inches but more than two months old, the seeds are hard to be great (kuntet).