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Raising Green Frog (Katak Hijau)

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Raising frogs have been conducted in several countries, both hot and temperate climates of 4 seasons. Noted European countries which have cultivated a frog, among others: France, Netherlands, Belgium, Albania,
Romania, West Germany, Britain, Denmark and Greece, the United States and Mexico. While in Asia, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, India and Hong Kong who have been cultivating frogs.

History frog unknown origin, because almost found everywhere, because of its ability to adapt to the surrounding environment. Frogs are much cultivated in Indonesia (Rana catesbeiana) derives from Taiwan, despite the frog was originally comes from South America.


At first, frog farming trials conducted in Klaten (Central fish fries), which later spread to Central Java. In West Java, frog farming mostly found in northern coastal areas, in addition to cultivating frogs North coastal communities also captured from the wild. Later in West Sumatra and Bali, also a center for breeding frogs.
3. J E N I S

Frogs belong to the order Anura, the class of amphibians without tails. In order Anura there are more than 250 genera comprising 2600 species.

There are 4 types of frogs are native to Indonesia in consumption by our society, namely:
1)Rana Macrodon (green frog), decorated in green and greenish brown spots and grow to 15 cm.
2)Cancrivora Rana (frog farm), living in rice fields and the body can reach 10 cm, brown stained body dibadannya.

Rana Limnocharis (marsh frog), have flesh that tastes most delicious, size is only 8 cm.
4)Musholini Rana (frog rock / giant). Only found in Sumatra, especially West Sumatra. weighed 1.5 kg. And length was 22 cm.


Frog meat is a source of animal protein of high nutritional content. Waste frogs that are not used as human food ingredients can be used to feed farm animals, like ducks and chickens. Frog skin that has been separated from his body could be processed into crackers frog skin. Head of the frog that has been separated can be retrieved and utilized hipofisanya gland to stimulate the frog in artificial insemination. Frog meat is believed to cure some diseases.


1) The height of the ideal location for the cultivation of frogs is 1600 above sea level.
2) Land is not too skewed yet and not too flat, ideal slope of 1-5%, meaning that within 100 m distance between the edges slope of 1-5 m.
3)The water is clear or slightly mixed sludge is available all the time. Clear water will expedite the process of hatching eggs.
4) Frogs can live in water with a temperature 2-35 degrees C. The temperature during egg incubation is anata 24-27 degrees C, with humidity of 60-65%.
5) Air contains about 5-6 ppm oxygen, or a minimum of 3 ppm. Dissolved carbon dioxide is no more than 25 ppm.
6) Close to the source water and water can be cultivated in and out smoothly and free from drought and flood.