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Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek)

Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek) Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek) From category Below : Product Details : Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek)

Gecko Expensive Price

Gecko Expensive Price - How difficult Gecko 64 Kg Finally Rp.179 Billion Sold (Harga Tokek)

Gecko for motorcycle or car is ordinary ... Gecko worth Rp 179 billion was just incredible:)
So nemu treasure does not have to be gold, diamonds, ancient artifacts ... but it can also be a giant gecko, hehe:)

Please refer to the news from the BBC report Tribun Kaltim, Noe ...

THIS IS NOT real yach?

A giant gecko found weighing 64 kilograms in Nunukan-Malaysia border in Kalakbakan, eventually sold for 64 million ringgit Malaysia or equivalent to Rp 179.2 billion.

Giant gecko weighing 64 kg was eventually sold at a price of Rp 179.2 billion. The buyer is an Indonesian who then Gecko was brought to China. (source Tribun Kaltim)

"Tokeknya been sold at RM 1 million per kilogram," (Arbin, a man who had time to take pictures gecko)

According to rumors, he could be a drug gecko HIV / AIDS, but baseball is clear which parts of the organ. Some say his blood, his flesh or his tongue.