Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Sort-Select Superior Dairy Cow Cattle (Sapi Perah) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Sort-Select Superior Dairy Cow Cattle (Sapi Perah) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category
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about animal husbandry easy with Sort-Select Superior Dairy Cow Cattle (Sapi Perah) Responsible for livestock production.
The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Sort-Select Superior Dairy Cow Cattle (Sapi Perah) From category Animal Husbandry, Cow Below : Product Details : Sort-Select Superior Dairy Cow Cattle (Sapi Perah)400 dairy cows from Australia into Indonesia through the Soekarno Hatta airport, in April. This dairy cow imported by poultry company in the country to tackle the national shortage of milk supply.
Actually, Indonesia has vast land potential for development of dairy farms, both dairy cow ataupiun beef cattle. But the wealth of this land is not balanced by the wealth of cows. These conditions have an impact on national production is low so that our country needs to overcome shortages by importing seeds or their products to meet domestic demand.
-cow dairy
friesien Holstein
Dairy cows are managed in the imported type Friesien Holstein (FH). Cow FH indeed one type of dairy cattle that excel in producing milk. FH famous cow with high milk production, could reach more than 6350 kg / year with the percentage of milk fat content of 3-7%. In addition, FH is a type of dairy cows are most suitable and profitable to be cultivated in Indonesia.
The need for superior seedlings cultivated for dairy cattle dairy cow in Indonesia still has a low level of milk production. The average dairy cow production in Indonesia is still less than 10 liters / day, whereas a normal standard of dairy cows to produce milk of about 12 liters / day. This shows that the dairy cow that we have still far below normal standards.
Import of dairy cows is considered the most appropriate way to improve the quality of current production. However, not just import it. Dairy cows that had to be imported through a long selection process to be expressed as seeds. Aggregated system-selected dairy cows were conducted strictly in order to produce the desired seeds.
In addition to the species, which becomes an important concern in the aggregated-select is the selection of dairy cows virgin seed (mother), the selection of adult female dairy cows and bulls seed selection.
Selection of seed virgin is considered important because it will determine the outcome of milk production in the future. A dairy cow virgin who will dijadian prospective parent seeds should come from the parent and the males that produce high milk production.
In addition, performance or appearance of the virgin must good dairy cow, for example, has a head and neck a little long, sharp shoulders, long body, back and hips flat, chest deep and wide hips, the distance between the front legs and rear legs wide enough. Growth good udder and nipples, nipple number no more than 4 pieces are located symmetrically. Candidates must have parent of this superior body healthy and not disabled.
Choosing an adult female dairy cattle as a seed, its performance is not much different from virgin seed selection. Instead, seeds of this adult female dairy cattle have been childless, aged about 3.5 to 4.5 years, and high milk production comes from the male parent and which has the capability of high milk production. Like a wedge shape, eyes glowing, his back straight, good head shape, the distance forelegs and hind legs wide enough and strong.
Udder shape also get great attention. We recommend that owned large udder, linkage to the body was quite good. Udder when palpable soft, smooth skin, a lot of milk vein, the long and winding, nipples no more than four and symmetrical, but not too short. As seeds, these cows should be healthy and do not carry communicable diseases.
After selecting a female dairy cattle, seed selection males also get equal sums. A male also determine the quality of genetic improvement of livestock in question. Therefore, a stud must meet the criteria as a stud. Such criteria include, age about 4-5 years old and have high fertility. Power down high milk production properties must dinilikinya. Just like females, males also come from the parent and males who have high-performance or production.
Males have a good appearance, it has a large body shall be in accordance with age. Stud also has the properties of a good stud. Physically, males have a strong body, face a bit long, wide head, neck, strong back, waist width, shoulder width and slightly sharp. Thighs are held flat and quite separate, wide chest and rib spacing wide enough. Body length, chest, abdominal circumference and chest circumference greater. Stud, of course, be healthy and free from infectious diseases and certainly not reduce defects in offspring.
As good as any performance gained in the election, the resulting output is also determined by environmental factors. Rearing dairy calves become one of the keys to success in cultivation. Dairy cows of the new arrivals should be quarantined to prevent spread of disease. Availability of good infrastructure is an important concern in the process of cultivation. Hygiene and health sometimes livestock must be maintained. Farmers also must always provide adequate and quality feed, clean drinking water should be available at all times. (* Various sources)
Actually, Indonesia has vast land potential for development of dairy farms, both dairy cow ataupiun beef cattle. But the wealth of this land is not balanced by the wealth of cows. These conditions have an impact on national production is low so that our country needs to overcome shortages by importing seeds or their products to meet domestic demand.
-cow dairy
friesien Holstein
Dairy cows are managed in the imported type Friesien Holstein (FH). Cow FH indeed one type of dairy cattle that excel in producing milk. FH famous cow with high milk production, could reach more than 6350 kg / year with the percentage of milk fat content of 3-7%. In addition, FH is a type of dairy cows are most suitable and profitable to be cultivated in Indonesia.
The need for superior seedlings cultivated for dairy cattle dairy cow in Indonesia still has a low level of milk production. The average dairy cow production in Indonesia is still less than 10 liters / day, whereas a normal standard of dairy cows to produce milk of about 12 liters / day. This shows that the dairy cow that we have still far below normal standards.
Import of dairy cows is considered the most appropriate way to improve the quality of current production. However, not just import it. Dairy cows that had to be imported through a long selection process to be expressed as seeds. Aggregated system-selected dairy cows were conducted strictly in order to produce the desired seeds.
In addition to the species, which becomes an important concern in the aggregated-select is the selection of dairy cows virgin seed (mother), the selection of adult female dairy cows and bulls seed selection.
Selection of seed virgin is considered important because it will determine the outcome of milk production in the future. A dairy cow virgin who will dijadian prospective parent seeds should come from the parent and the males that produce high milk production.
In addition, performance or appearance of the virgin must good dairy cow, for example, has a head and neck a little long, sharp shoulders, long body, back and hips flat, chest deep and wide hips, the distance between the front legs and rear legs wide enough. Growth good udder and nipples, nipple number no more than 4 pieces are located symmetrically. Candidates must have parent of this superior body healthy and not disabled.
Choosing an adult female dairy cattle as a seed, its performance is not much different from virgin seed selection. Instead, seeds of this adult female dairy cattle have been childless, aged about 3.5 to 4.5 years, and high milk production comes from the male parent and which has the capability of high milk production. Like a wedge shape, eyes glowing, his back straight, good head shape, the distance forelegs and hind legs wide enough and strong.
Udder shape also get great attention. We recommend that owned large udder, linkage to the body was quite good. Udder when palpable soft, smooth skin, a lot of milk vein, the long and winding, nipples no more than four and symmetrical, but not too short. As seeds, these cows should be healthy and do not carry communicable diseases.
After selecting a female dairy cattle, seed selection males also get equal sums. A male also determine the quality of genetic improvement of livestock in question. Therefore, a stud must meet the criteria as a stud. Such criteria include, age about 4-5 years old and have high fertility. Power down high milk production properties must dinilikinya. Just like females, males also come from the parent and males who have high-performance or production.
Males have a good appearance, it has a large body shall be in accordance with age. Stud also has the properties of a good stud. Physically, males have a strong body, face a bit long, wide head, neck, strong back, waist width, shoulder width and slightly sharp. Thighs are held flat and quite separate, wide chest and rib spacing wide enough. Body length, chest, abdominal circumference and chest circumference greater. Stud, of course, be healthy and free from infectious diseases and certainly not reduce defects in offspring.
As good as any performance gained in the election, the resulting output is also determined by environmental factors. Rearing dairy calves become one of the keys to success in cultivation. Dairy cows of the new arrivals should be quarantined to prevent spread of disease. Availability of good infrastructure is an important concern in the process of cultivation. Hygiene and health sometimes livestock must be maintained. Farmers also must always provide adequate and quality feed, clean drinking water should be available at all times. (* Various sources)