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Catfish Farming Dumbo For Breeding (Budidaya Lele Dumbo Untuk Pembibitan)

Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Catfish Farming Dumbo For Breeding (Budidaya Lele Dumbo Untuk Pembibitan) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Catfish Farming Dumbo For Breeding (Budidaya Lele Dumbo Untuk Pembibitan) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category , Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with Catfish Farming Dumbo For Breeding (Budidaya Lele Dumbo Untuk Pembibitan) Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Catfish Farming Dumbo For Breeding (Budidaya Lele Dumbo Untuk Pembibitan) From category , Below : Product Details : Catfish Farming Dumbo For Breeding (Budidaya Lele Dumbo Untuk Pembibitan)

Business Opportunities Cultivation Lele Dumbo For the purpose of breeding can be done include:
- Spawning and hatchery African catfish, after the hatch can be sold to other breeders to be raised or kept more to large. Because newly hatched seedlings African catfish can be sold, so it is a business opportunity for those who choose to pursue this field. If land is available narrow this solution could be an alternative. Capital for these businesses and breeders only place African catfish. Seeds newly hatched catfish dumbo usually rewarded based on the estimated number of tillers Lele Dumbo, which is determined based on the weight of the parent and the number of parent Lele Dumbo.
- Provision of Seed Size 2-3 cm, within one month after hatching African catfish seeds have reached the size of 2-3 cm and ready to be sold into the market. Enlarged seed catfish from hatching until this size is ideally placed in the pond mud or rice, so it requires a relatively large area. Although the pond sheeting can still be done but can not in large numbers, although such opportunities remain open. Enlargement Lele Dumbo the tub or pool tarp at this size requires an additional food pellet factory made.
- Provision of seed size of 5-7 cm, 5-7 cm in size African catfish seed ready for sale as seeds that bring business opportunities. Usually this size is maintained by the breeder until decent size of consumption.