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Pemeliharaan Lele Dumbo (Catfish Maintenance Dumbo)

Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Pemeliharaan Lele Dumbo (Catfish Maintenance Dumbo) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Pemeliharaan Lele Dumbo (Catfish Maintenance Dumbo) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category , Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with Pemeliharaan Lele Dumbo (Catfish Maintenance Dumbo) Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Pemeliharaan Lele Dumbo (Catfish Maintenance Dumbo) From category , Below : Product Details : Pemeliharaan Lele Dumbo (Catfish Maintenance Dumbo)

The first time a pool tarp filled with water that is not too deep terlebh first, to African catfish the size of 5-7 cm can be filled with water of 40 cm in advance, so that the fish are not too tired to go up and down the pond to pick up oxygen, along with age and size depth of water added. It should be also provided FADs or some kind of protection for catfish. Because catfish is a fish who likes to hide in areas that are closed.

The food is done by giving pellets twice a day, better still more than twice but in smaller amounts. If the environment is available natural food like Snails, clams, golden snails, termites, etc., can be given these natural foods. Natural foods but can save expenses also have high protein content so that more rapid growth of African catfish. In addition there are several technologies that can be used to accelerate the growth of catfish and other fish.

Although Lele Dumbo resistant to poor water conditions it is better to be replaced approximately 10-30% of water every week, so the pool is not too dirty and smelly. Diseases of the catfish is easy to attack on the dirty water. At the age of one month or if required to do the selection and separation of catfish which have different sizes. Usually catfish growth is not the same, so if not separated by the small size of catfish will be unable to compete in the scramble for food. In addition, separate them if there is an indication of fish for disease is not contagious. (Galeriukm)