Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Price Gecko (Harga Tokek Sept 2010) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Price Gecko (Harga Tokek Sept 2010) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category
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about animal husbandry easy with Price Gecko (Harga Tokek Sept 2010) Responsible for livestock production.
The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Price Gecko (Harga Tokek Sept 2010) From category Gecko Below : Product Details : Price Gecko (Harga Tokek Sept 2010)Price gecko (Harga Tokek) Lately, geckos have become an animal named newsmaker, reportedly said the price is very expensive geckos have reached one billion, hmmm. Gecko undoubtedly be hunted in some places even have a direct berternak. How mahalkah price gecko gecko and the price was really expensive?
After I find out, apparently Gecko prices reached a billion to one kilogram weight., And sought the lowest weight is 2.5 ounces with a price Rp.5 million, weighs 3 ounces valued Rp.50 million.
Here's the price of gecko that I get from various sources:
1. Weight 2.5 oz (250gr): USD 5 million / head (minimum of 5 mice)
2. Weight 3 oz - 3.6 on s (300gr s / d 360gr): USD 50 jut a / tail.
3. Weight 3.7 ounces - 3.9 ounces (370gr s / d 390gr): USD 75 million / tail.
4. Weight> 4 ounces (400gr or more): USD 100 million / oz.
5. Weight 1 kg (1000gr): Rp. 1 Billion
A little gecko can not believe the price is so expensive, but after seeing the news appeared in various media, I conclude that reliable news are true, although only a black market transaction.
Why do geckos prices so expensive? It was said that bile crystal geckos which have become what could be a drug aja. That's usually when tokeknya had two ounces of weight. Continue, geckos also said the drug could be HIV / AIDS, but that was taken remains a mystery whether the blood, flesh, his tongue "
Finally I say "Good hunting geckos .."