Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Tips For Beginners Canary walnut Livestock (Ternak Kenari) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Tips For Beginners Canary walnut Livestock (Ternak Kenari) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category
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about animal husbandry easy with Tips For Beginners Canary walnut Livestock (Ternak Kenari) Responsible for livestock production.
The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Tips For Beginners Canary walnut Livestock (Ternak Kenari) From category Bird, Canary, Husbandry Below : Product Details : Tips For Beginners Canary walnut Livestock (Ternak Kenari)
In raising canaries there are several factors that must be considered the canary age, gender, supporting the science of livestock and livestock.
Age Canary
Age becomes the determinant factor of success or failure in breeding canaries, the best in breeding age is not too young or not too old. Canary ready cattle for at least 6 months and 8 months female canary to canary males, but for the walnuts and their derivatives such as Yorkshire lust a bit slow at least one year of age.
You as a breeder must master the characteristics of male or female canaries, canary in determining the sex is quite difficult for beginners but is very easy for senior hobis specify them enough to see from the canaries posture although in certain cases, sometimes there are chestnut is very difficult to determine type genitals. The characteristics are:
Supporting Facilities in animal husbandry.
Sometimes we are in not raising too much attention to little things like the position of the cattle sheds, cattle sheds environment and supporting advice. If these things less attention will lead to resentment later in life. For example at the time of placement of cattle we do not notice the feng shui (he.. He .. sorry becanda) environment around the corral. The best placement of the cage or pen for livestock against the wall beside the left and right of the cage was closed. Caged animals were placed in an area free from disturbance of insects or other animals such as mice, lizards, etc..
To avoid the attack of insects like ants from the area around the wall menempek cage surrounded by great chalk (chalk magic). If a large cattle pen using the legs legs spread with oil. While the major addition to the ant bully namely rats, mice really only take food only when they see canary canary yes negligent in this incident and also beat every so often experienced by hobis. By placing the cage on the wall is expected to minimize the rat attacks only occasionally rats also smart to look for gaps that you have to be careful in the placement of the best cage sich using aluminum enclosure. I have experience with cattle being attacked ants ... ... .. lucky to get caught so quickly, but his mother was helped most of all the death and subsequent death due to over protective mother (about the nature of the over protective I will discuss at another time).
Pairing process.
If you already have a pair of walnuts to the age of cattle ready selanjutkan process is the process of pairing. The process of pairing the male and female canaries were placed in a different cage, and two cages were placed next to each other. In this case many New Comer (breeder class) who can not wait through the process of pairing them directly insert the male and female into a cage.
With the pairing process you will know the readiness of the walnuts, if not mate directly incorporated into a canary cage second consequence could be a fight. When a fight broke out between them, and walnuts are one of the losing the pairing will be a long time again, especially if the losing male canary pairing process because the longer you have to condition the male that dared to approach females. There are a few tips to increase the lust that is:
1. Canary in the given highly nutritious food like quail eggs, etc. multivitamins.
2. Dried in the sun every morning
3. At the time of drying and the process of pairing a male and female coupled cage continuously, if there are other males occasionally heated panasin with another male.
4. Disangkar cages where females provided the following contents.
5. Do not forget to pray so that bred canaries can rapidly mate and produce quality children.