Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Variety - Animal Gecko: Small Animal High Value Selling (Ternak Tokek) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Variety - Animal Gecko: Small Animal High Value Selling (Ternak Tokek) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category
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about animal husbandry easy with Variety - Animal Gecko: Small Animal High Value Selling (Ternak Tokek) Responsible for livestock production.
The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Variety - Animal Gecko: Small Animal High Value Selling (Ternak Tokek) From category Gecko Below : Product Details : Variety - Animal Gecko: Small Animal High Value Selling (Ternak Tokek)Variety - Animal Gecko: Small Animal High Value Selling (Ternak Tokek)
Gecko Picture

Gecko breeding places that could accommodate thousands of tailed geckos like this, very easy to find in a village, precisely in Desa Tegal Siwalan, Probolinggo. Although looks disgusting, for local residents, geckos have become part of life precisely because they can make ends meet and his family.
Because the properties which allegedly could be used as raw drugs, making these reptiles sold well particularly in emerging markets overseas. In fact, in healthy condition with a weight of about 400 grams, a live gecko can be bought at the price of the breeder is just fantastic, one to two million rupiah.
Nevertheless, it is not easy menangkarkan gecko reptile because this one is easy once the stress and disease and death.
Because of the risk, the breeder usually only able to take care of geckos for several weeks, and then directly exported to some countries, like China and Hong Kong.
Gecko, geckos are usually exported after going through that process ovenan lawyer-maintained properties. In this ward there are at least 20 breeder geckos. They usually buy the reptiles from hunters gecko in several cities in East Java. Like Jember, Lumajang, and Situbondo.
Besides export, domestic residents are also many who just come to buy some tail as a remedy for itching and asthma. (Tomy Iskandar / Ijs)