Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Catfish Farming small capital (Budidaya Ikan Lele ) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Catfish Farming small capital (Budidaya Ikan Lele ) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category
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(Budidaya Ikan Lele)

The names of catfish in the archipelago
Lele, scientifically, consists of many species. No wonder also if the catfish in the archipelago has many local names. Among others: fish prop (West Sumatra), fish death (Gayo and Acehnese), fish pintet (South Kalimantan), fish rivet (Makassar), fish Cepi (South Sulawesi), catfish or leachate (Central Java) or fish keli ( Malaysia).
Who's in England known as the catfish, siluroid, mudfish and walking catfish. Scientific name, Clarias, chlaros derived from Greek, meaning 'lively', 'strong', refers to the ability to stay alive and moving out of water.
The fish genus Clarias recognizable from the sleek elongated body was scaly, with dorsal and anal fins are also long, which sometimes fused with tail fins, making it seem like a short eel. Menulang hard head at the top, with small eyes and wide mouth which is located at tip of snout, equipped with four pairs of antennae feelers (barbels) are very useful for moving in the dark water. Catfish also have additional breathing apparatus in the form of a modification of the gill arch. There are a pair of shaft, namely the sharp thorns of bone, the chest fins.
Catfish have never been found in brackish water or salt water, except the sea catfish belonging to the different clans and tribes. Habitat in the river with a slow flow of water, marshes, ponds, reservoirs, rice fields are flooded. Even catfish can live in polluted water, eg in the gutter-gutter and sewer disposal.
Catfish are nocturnal, that is actively engaged in search of food at night. By day, catfish remain silent and take refuge in dark places. In nature, catfish spawn in the rainy season.
Many species of catfish which is a fish consumption is the preferred one. Most types of catfish have been cultured people, but most species were caught from wild populations in the wild. African catfish is popular as a farmed fish, is actually a foreign species that originated from Africa.
Catfish Farming
To cultivate catfish, you can prepare for pond maintenance. Then, you buy seed catfish, with a size of an adult thumb, it costs about 100-150 dollars per head. Try to fill the pool earlier with 300-400 fry catfish. Buy fish food (pellets) soft, about 5,000 rupiah per kg. A month may spend about 3 kg. Part of the roof above the pool was made protector, is also good. Most exposed to direct sun light. If there are remaining rice dinner / lunch, put it into the pond, can be as an addition to food substances. Air Condition naturally like in the swamp / river, multiply the water plant. If in the early sowing of seeds, some fish die, do not panic, just take it, throw. The next 3-4 days the fish will survive normal. Well, just wait about 3 months, already cukp big fish to be harvested, sold at about 1,000 dollars per head.
Catfish is cultivated in Indonesia for consumption and also to maintain the quality of polluted water. Catfish are often put in places because it can eliminate contaminated discharges. Catfish are placed in dirty places must diberok first term before it is ready for consumption. It is meant Diberok kept on flowing water for several days in order to clean it.
Sometimes catfish are also placed in the rice for eating pests in rice fields. Catfish are often placed in the ponds or stagnant water places others to cope with the growth of mosquito larva.