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Practical Tips Livestock Catfish

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Pecel Lele? These foods must have been a lot of rage. In Blagung, Simo Boyolali, Indonesian and in other cities, shops are accessible pecel catfish.

How can we reply on the discussion and sharing of practical tips catfish farm? This time, I invite readers of this blog to share practical experience of livestock catfish, ranging from:

* Preparation efforts,
* Selection of seeds: local seed types, or lele dumbo
* A good feed: pellets, natural enhancement, nutrition
* Water treatment,
* Treatment ponds,
* Catfish treatment: medication
* Harvesting and post harvest

Conditions of life in the pond
1. A good soil for pond maintenance is the type of clay / clay, muddy, fertile, and not porous (pass water).
2. Land ideal for the cultivation of catfish is the rice, kecomberan, garden ponds, garden ponds, and blumbang.
3. Channel catfish good life in the lowlands to the maximum of 700 m height above sea level.
4. Ground elevation of the surface water sources and ponds is 5-10%.
5. Location for making the pool should be directly related to or close to water sources and not close to the highway.
6. The location of the pond should be in the shade but not under a tree whose leaves easily fall off.
7. Catfish optimal growth temperature of 20 ° C or between 25-28 ° C. Children catfish grow well in the range of temperatures between 26-30 ° C and the ideal temperature for spawning 24-28 ° C.
8. Catfish can live in a somewhat calm waters and deep enough, even poor water conditions, murky, dirty and poor oxygen.
9. Water must not be polluted by chemicals, industrial waste, mercury, or contain levels of oil or a substance that can kill fish.
10. Waters are ideal for catfish is that many contain nutrients and natural food ingredients, and not a flood-prone waters.
11. Surface waters should not be closed by the garbage or leaves life, such as water hyacinth.