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Bird Raising Quail

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about animal husbandry easy with Bird Raising Quail Responsible for livestock production.

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Budidaya Peternakan

( Coturnix-coturnix Japonica )

Quail is a type of bird that can not fly, a relatively small body size, short legs and can be pitted. Quail also called Gemak (Bhs. Java-Indonesia). Foreign language called "Quail", is the nation's bird (wild) who first diternakan in the United States, 1870. And continue to be developed into over the world. While in Indonesia quail began to be known, and bred since the end of 1979. Now began to appear in kandangkandang cattle in Indonesia.
Sentra Ranch quail numerous in Sumatra, West Java, East Java and Central Java
3. J E N I S

Class: Aves (Birds Nation)
Order: Galiformes
Sub Order: Phasianoidae
Family: Phasianidae
Sub Family: Phasianinae
Genus: Coturnix
Species: Coturnix-coturnix Japonica

Eggs and meat has nutritional value and taste delicious
2) fur as a material of different crafts or other household appliances
3) droppings as manure or good compost can be used as a fertilizer plant

Location far from the hustle and residential population
2) The location has a transportation strategy, especially sapronak lines and marketing channels
3) The location selected is free from disease outbreaks
4) Not be a frequently flooded area
5) This is the area that always gets good air circulation.
Before farming began, a breeder shall understand the 3 (three) elements of production were: management (management of farm businesses), breeding (breeding) and feeding (forage / feed)
6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment

1. Housing
In housing systems that need to be considered is the ideal temperature stable, or normal range 20-25 degrees C, humidity 30-80% range enclosure; lighting during the day fairly stable from 25 to 40 watts, while the 40-60 watts at night (this applies for the weather was overcast / rainy season). The layout of the cage should be set for the morning sun can enter the enclosure.

There quail cage model 2 (two) types of commonly applied is the system of litter (ground husk) and cage systems (batteries). The size of the cage for 1 m2 can be charged 90-100 lambs quail, selanjuntnya become a tail to the age of 60 to 10 days off the tiller. Finally a 40 ekor/m2 until the time of laying.

As for the cage normally used in the cultivation of quail are:
a. Breeding cages to the parent
This enclosure having an effect directly on productivity and the ability to produce quality eggs. Large or the size of the cage to be used must match the number of quail that will be maintained. Ideally a broad tail dewasamembutuhkan quail cage 200 m2.
b. Cages for laying mains
This cage serves as a cage for holding Breeding. This enclosure has a shape, size, and needs the same equipment. Greater density cage but it could also equal.
c. Quail cages to children / age stater (breeding cage)
This cage is a cage for the child at the age of quail starter, the starting age of one day up to two to three weeks. This enclosure serves to keep the child still requires heating quail remained sheltered and gets hot in accordance with needs. These need to be equipped cage heater.
Usually the size of which is often used is the width of 100 cm, length 100 cm, height 40 cm and 50 cm high legs. (90-100 contains enough pups quail).
d. Grower cages for quail age (3-6 weeks), layer (more than 6 weeks)
Shape, size and equipment with enclosure for mains laying. Alas usually a wire cage ram.

2. Equipment
Equipment enclosure in the form of eating places, drinking places, where lay eggs and place of drugs.

6.2. Peyiapan Seeds
To be considered by the breeder before starting his business, is to understand the 3 (three) elements of seed production of animal husbandry / breeding, feeding (feed) and farm business management.

Selection of quail seed accordance with the purpose of maintenance, there are 3 (three) kinds of quail maintenance purposes, namely:
a. For the production of consumption eggs, quail selected seeds of healthy female crab species, or free from disease kerier.
b. For quail meat production, selected seeds of male quail and quail egg afkiran.
c. For breeding or hatching egg production, selected seeds of good female quail and quail egg production of healthy males who are ready to fertilize the female quail eggs in order to ensure that good.
6.3. Maintenance

1. Sanitation and Preventive Actions
To keep the illness at Quail maintenance of environmental hygiene and vaccination against quail cage needs to be done as early as possible.

2. Disease Control
Controlling the disease carried out at any time and if there are signs of a less healthy for quail should be done immediately in accordance with the instructions treatment veterinarian or local animal husbandry department or instructions from the Poultry Shoup.

3. Feeding
Ration (food) that can be given to quail consists of several forms, namely: the form of pallets, crumbs and flour. Because quail memtuk nosy friends who will have a pecking busy with food. Provision of tiller quail rations given 2 (two) times a day morning and afternoon. While quail teen / adult ration is given only once a day that is in the morning. For giving a drink to children in nurseries quail constantly.

4. Giving Vaccinations and Drugs
At the age of 4-7 days of vaccination with a dose of quail in half the dose for chickens. Vaccines can be given by eye drops (intra-ocular) or drinking water (peroral). Drug administration quail seen to be done if the symptoms by asking directions from a local extension workers from the shop or farm (Poultry Shoup), which is near your raising quail.

7. Pests and diseases

7.1. Disease


Enteritis (Quail enteritis)
Cause: the bacteria that form spores anerobik and attacking the intestines, causing inflammation of the intestine.
Symptoms: quail seemed lethargic, eyes closed, hair looks dull, Berk dirt that form spores and attacking the intestines, causing inflammation of the intestine.
Symptoms: quail seemed lethargic, eyes closed, hair looks dull, watery droppings and uric acid.
Control: improving governance, maintenance and quail memisashkan healthy than it has infected.
2. Tetelo (NCDs / New Casstle Diseae)
Symptoms: quail difficult breathing, coughing, sneezing, arising grunting, lethargic, sleepy eyes, wings terkulasi, sometimes bloody, watery stools greenish-specific symptoms "Torticollis" is twisting the head and paralyzed uncertain.
Control: (1) keep the environment clean and virus-contaminated equipment, animal disease vectors tetelo, chickens that died immediately burned / removed; (2) separate the sick chickens, to prevent guests entered the area of farms without the clothes mensucihamakan / sterile and conducting vaccination NCDs . Until now there has been no cure.
3. White defecate (pullorum)
Cause: The bacteria Salmonella pullorum and is a contagious disease.
Symptoms: white droppings, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, the hairs shrivel and hang weak wings.
Control: same as tetelo disease control.
4. Dysentery (Coccidiosis)
Symptoms: bloody stools and diarrhea, lack of appetite, terkulasi wings, feathers dull shivering.
Control: (1) lingkungaan keep cleaning, keep the litter remains dry, (2) with Tetra Capsule Chloine given by mouth; Noxal, Zuco Trisula tablets dissolved in water or sulfaqui moxaline, amprolium, cxaldayocox
5. Fowl pox (Fowl Pox)
Cause: poxviruses, attacking the nation's poultry of all ages and genders.
Symptoms: imbulnya-scab scab on the skin that is not hairy, like a wattle, foot, mouth, and that if released would farink
to bleed.
Control: diphtheria vaccines and isolate the terinfksi cage or quail.
6. Quail Bronchitis
Cause: Quail bronchitis virus (adenovirus) that is highly contagious.
Symptoms: quail looked listless, dull hair, trembling, difficulty breathing, coughing and insisted, eyes and nose are sometimes out of mucus, and sometimes the head and neck slightly twisted.
Control: providing a nutritious diet with adequate sanitation.
7. Aspergillosis
Cause: The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus.
Symptoms: Quail experiencing respiratory problems, eye white layer is formed to resemble cheese, drowsiness, appetite is reduced.
Control: improving sanitation and the environment surrounding the cage.
8. Wormy
Cause: poor sanitation.
Symptoms: quail looked thin, lethargic and weak.
Control: keep cleaning cages and feeding, clean.
8. P A N E N

8.1. Main results
In laying quail maintenance business, which became the main result is the production of eggs that are harvested every day during the production period lasts.
8.2. By-product
While that is an additional result afkiran include meat, faeces and quail feathers.

10.1. Cultivation of Business Analysis

1) Investment
a. cage size 9 x 0.6 x 1.9 m
(1 point + places to eat and drink)
Rp. 2,320,000, -
b. large cage USD. 1,450,000, -

2) Cost of maintenance (for ages 0-2 months)
a. v. Old Quail (DOQ) x USD 798 (Price DOQ) USD. 1,596,000, -
b. Medicines (vitamins + Vaccine) USD. 145,000, -
c. Feed (over 60 days)
Total production costs
Quail circumstances:
Number of children in 2000 rats (male and female)
5% risk of death, the remaining 1900
Risk sex 15% male, 85% female (285 males, 1615 females)
After 2 months of quail seed price USD 3625, - USD 725 male and female
Sales of quail seed age 2 months
Minus Rp. 2,981,200, -
Rp. 4,722,200, -

Rp. 4,408,000, -
Rp. -314,200, -

3) Cost of maintenance (0-4 months)
- 200 DOQ x USD 798, - USD. 159,600, -
- Medicines (vitamins and vaccinations) to Rp. 290,000, -
- Feed (up to age 3 weeks) to Rp. 2,459,925, -
Feed (s / d to 4 weeks) 1615 females and 71 males tail (25% male seeds worth Rp.) 5,264,051, -
Total production costs Rp. 8,173,576, -

Quail circumstances:
- Start laying quails aged 1.5 months daily average of 85%, the number of eggs para 1373
- The egg 75 days x 1373 x USD 75, - USD. 7,723,125, -
- 1615 Quail tail female seeds @ USD 3625, - USD. 5,854,375, -
- Quail male tail 75 seeds @ Rp 798, - USD. 59850, -
- Quail male tail afkiran 214 @ USD 725, - USD. 155,150, -

4) Gains from sales of USD. 5,618,924, -

5) Cost of maintenance (up to age 8 months)
a. Cost for ages 4-8 months USD. 1,625,137, -

6) Revenue
a. Results eggs (0.5 months), 195 x 1373 x USD 75, - USD. 20,080,125, -
b. Results quail treated tail 1615 @ USD 798, - USD. 1,288,770, -
c. Results 71 treated male tail @ USD 725, - USD. 51,475, -
d. Results rejected male (2 months) @ USD 725 tail 214, - USD. 155,150, -

7) The advantage of laying quail breeding and selling afkiran USD. 10,950,113, -

So add breeders more advantages when raising quail egg, then quail afkirannya in selling than to sell quail seed. Business analysis is calculated based on prices prevailing at the year 1999.
10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview

1. Raising quail, 1981. Nugroho, Drh. Mayen 1 bk. Poultry general Lecturer Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, Udayana University.
2. Quail, Management of commercial cultivation, in 1992. Elly Listyowati, Ir. Kinanti Rospitasari the groups, Jakarta.
3. Maintaining quail, 1985. Muhammad Rasyaf, Ir. Publisher Canisius (Member KAPPI), Yogyakarta.
4. Maintenance breeding quail and commercially, in 1985. Dyah Wahyuning Evitadewi et al. Various Science Publishers Semarang
1. Rural Community Economic Development Project - BAPPENAS
Coconut Jl.Sunda No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829
2. Office of State Minister for Research and Technology, Utilization and Correctional Deputy Science and Technology, BPPT Building II, 6th Floor, Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 8, 10340th Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel. +62 21 316 9166 ~ 69, FAX. +62 21 310 1952, Website:

Rural Community Economic Development Project, Bappenas