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Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures BENEFIT ELEMENTS - ELEMENTS Nutrients From Animal Husbandry. Get information, BENEFIT ELEMENTS - ELEMENTS Nutrients facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with BENEFIT ELEMENTS - ELEMENTS Nutrients Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry BENEFIT ELEMENTS - ELEMENTS Nutrients From category Below : Product Details : BENEFIT ELEMENTS - ELEMENTS Nutrients


1. Nitrogen (N)

BENEFITS: Stimulates plant growth in general, especially in the vegetative phase, role in the formation of chlorophyll, amino acids, fats, enzymes, and other compounds.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: slow plant growth. At first, leaves yellowing and drying, then fall out. Daum who started yellowing from the bottom leaves, then followed by the upper leaves.

2. Phosphor (P)

BENEFITS: Membentu miniral who proteins and growth is very high for plants. Assigned to circulate energy throughout the plant. Stimulate root growth and development. Accelerating membungaan and fruiting plants. And accelerate the ripening seeds and fruits.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: The lower leaves change color or appear to be old shiny purplish red. Then a yellow-gray and fall out. Edges of leaves, branches, and purplish-red stems. Trunk stunted and do not produce flowers and fruit. If it has been fruitful in size small, ugly, and precocious.

3. Potassium (K)

BENEFITS: Helps the formation of proteins, carbohydrates and sugar. Helping pengankutan sugar from leaves to fruit. Strengthening of plant tissues, and increase resistance to disease.

YG FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS: Leaf shrink or curl, resulting brownish red spots and dry and dead. The development works are slow. Fruit growing is not perfect, small, ugly and not durable.


BENEFIT: Enables the formation of root hairs and seeds as well as reinforcing rods. Help the success of pollination. Help solving the cell. membanti activity of some enzymes of growth. And neutralize the compounds and adverse soil conditions.

YG FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS: Edge of young leaves suffered krorosil, then spread to the bone leaves. Buds of young plants do not flower and die. There are black spots on the leaf fibers. Short roots. Breaks and low-quality fruit.

5. Magnesium (Mg)

BENEFITS: Helps the formation of chlorophyll, Asama acids, vitamins, fats and sugar. Transportsi role in the phosphates in plants.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: old leaves have krorosis, yellow and brown spots, eventually falling out. In seed-producing plants will produce seeds that weak.


BENEFITS: Helps the formation of amino acids, proteins and vitamins. Assist in the formation of nodules and growth of new shoots.

YG FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS: The young leaves are light green, shiny, but somewhat pale whiteness, and then turn into yellow and green. Plants growing late, dwarf, short-trunked and thin.

7. Boron (Bo)

BENEFITS: Bringing kabohidrat whole plant tissue. Accelerate the uptake of potassium. Flowering plants and help stimulate the process of pollination. Improving the quality of vegetable production and fruit.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: Tunas shoots dead and black, then emerged shoots amping but soon will die. Leaves have started from the bottom of chlorosis and leaf drying. The new leaves appear stunted and eventually die. Old leaf-shaped small, thick and brittle. Slow the growth of stem sections spud branch.

8. COPPER (Cu)

BENEFITS: Helps the formation of chlorophyll and as a component in the formation of plant enzymes.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: young leaves yellow and wilt did not develop. kesuuran stunted plant growth and overall.

9. Chlorine (CI)

BENEFITS: role in the formation of plant hormones. Enhance or improve the quality and quantity of crop production.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: Plants wilt easily, leaves pale, wrinkled, and partially dried. Crop productivity is low and slow ripening fruit.

10. IRON (Fe)

BENEFITS: Serve on plant physiological processes, such as the respiratory process, the formation of chlorophyll and photosynthesis.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: young leaves are pale and yellowish white berawrna, and eventually fall out. Plants slowly dying from the top dimuali.

11. Manganese (Mn)

BENEFITS: Helps process of photosynthesis, and was instrumental in the formation of plant enzymes.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: plants stunted growth, yellow or red colored leaf and often fall out. Seed formation incomplete.

12. Molybdenum (Mo)

BENEFITS: Functions the same as Cu, plays sebaga nitrogen binding proteins for the formation of free air, and become a component of the enzyme in bacteria forming nodules leguminose plants.

FERTILIZER PLANT SYMPTOMS NEED THIS YG: The leaves change color, wrinkled and curved like a bowl. Yellow spots appear in every piece of leaf, and eventually die. Plant growth stops.

13. ZINC (Zn)

BENEFITS: Mmebantu formation of auxin, chlorophyll, and carbohydrates.

FERTILIZER PLANT YG SYMPTOMS NEED THIS: Leaves pale yellow or reddish, white patches appear on the surface of the leaf until it dries, potholes and dead. Root development is not perfect, so that short and not fertile.