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The Fish Business Gurame (Ikan Gurame)

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1. Glance
Carp is a species of freshwater fish consumption, wide flat body shape, dorsal and ventral color merahsawo berwarnakekuningkuningan / silver. Anabantidae carp is a family, descendants and the nation Labyrinthici Helostoma. Carp from local waters Sunda (West Java, Indonesia), and spread to Malaysia, Thailands, Ceylon and Australia. Carp growth somewhat slower than other types of freshwater fish.

In Indonesia, the Javanese called it carp, Gurameh, the Sumatran fish if, when, kalui, while in Borneo called Kalui. The English called it "Giant gouramy", because of its size until it reaches the weight of 5 kg.
Regions in Indonesia, which became the center of fisheries are: Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara and Java. While abroad, namely: Thailand, Japan and the Philippines.
Classification carp are as follows:
Class: Pisces
Sub Class: Teleostei
Order: Labyrinthici
Sub Order: Anabantoidae
Family: Anabantidae
Genus: Osphronemus
Species: Osphronemus goramy (Lacepede)
Types of carp that have been known to the public include: geese carp, carp japanese, blausafir, paris, hybrid and porcelain. Last four lots being developed in West Java, especially in Bogor. Compared to other types of carp, porcelain is superior in producing eggs. If the parent hybrid in each nest only able to produce 2000-3000 eggs, porcelain capable of 10 000 grains. Therefore, people called it as the top of the pop, and the most widely favored.
As a source of animal protein supply.


Good ground for the pond maintenance is the type of clay / clay, does not pivot and contains enough humus. Soil type can hold a large mass of water and not leak so it can be made bund / walls of the pool.
2. The slope of the land is good for making the pond ranged from 3-5% to facilitate the irrigation pond by gravity.
3. Carp can grow to normal, if the location of maintenance is at 50-400 m altitude above sea level.
4. For maintenance of water quality carp must be clean and not muddy bottom of the pool, not too muddy and not contaminated by toxic chemicals, and oil / industrial waste.
5. Pool with a depth of 70-100 cm and irrigation system that flows very well for growth and physical development of carp. For the maintenance of traditional in special ponds, discharge water that is allowed is 3 liters / sec, while for the maintenance of a polyculture, is an ideal water discharge between 6-12 liters / second.
6. Water acidity (pH), which both are between 6.5 to 8.
7. A good water temperature ranged from 24-28 degrees C.
6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment

1. Pool
Common types of ponds used in the cultivation of carp, among others:

Parent storage pool
This pool serves to store the parent in preparing for egg maturation and health care carriers, such as swimming pool with an area of land approximately 10 meters square, kedalamam least 50 cm and a density of 20 fish pond females and 10 males.
b) Swimming spawning
Ground swimming pool with an area of 200 / 300 square feet and a tail pond density requires 20-10 square meters (depending on the system of spawning). The terms of spawning ponds
is the water temperature ranges between 24-28 degrees C; depth of 75-100 cm of water, the pond should be sandy. Place the eggs means pasting a injuk or twigs.
c) maintenance of the seed pool / pond
Size pond no more than 50-100 square meters. Pool water depths between 30-50 cm. Density should be 50-50 deer / square meter. Maintenance in the long pond / seedling between 3-4 weeks, when the fish are 3-5 cm in size.
d) Swimming enlargement
Rearing pond serves as a place to nurture and raise the seed after the pond. Sometimes this is necessary in the maintenance of some pond nets from 1.25 to 1.5 cm. Number of spreading the seeds should be no more than 10 animals per square meter.
e) Swimming / place Pemberokan
This place is cleaning the fish before it is marketed
The way of making the pool are as follows:

Measure the ground 10 x 10 m (100 m2).
b) Make pematangnya with size; the top width 0.5 m, the bottom 1 m and a height of 1 m.
C) Put the pipe / big bamboo for revenues and expenditures of water. Set high and low, so you can easily insert and remove the water.
d) subgrade Cangkullah pond so loose, and then flattened out again. Ground will be soft when watered, so the holes will be covered with soil, and water does not come out due to leaks from the pores. Sloping bottom is made of water toward the exit.
e) Construct a channel in the middle of the main pool, the water extends from the entrance to the exit. Channel width is 0.5 m and depth of 15 cm.
f) Dry the pond with two sacks of manure that is spread evenly, then entered the water. Let stand for one week, so shattered and fertilizers seep into the ground and form a lichen, as well as testing for Pool tidask leak. 0.75 to 1 m. high water

2. Equipment
Tools commonly used in carp hatchery operations include: fishing nets, Waring (Aspect), hapa (box of nets / netting to accommodate temporary or seed parent), seser, buckets, basins of various sizes, weights a small scale ( grams) and large (Kg), hoes, sickles, knives and plates Secchi (Secchi disc) to measure levels of turbidity.

While other equipment used to harvest / catch carp, among others, are warring / scoopnet smooth, sieve panglembangan diameter 100 cm, 5 cm in diameter penandean sieve, place the fish store, kemplung cage, cage kupyak, fish bus (for transporting fish at close range ), kekaban (for the placing of eggs that are embedded), tricote hapa of cloth (for hatching eggs is controlled) or sometimes to catch the seeds, sieves penyabetan aluminum / bamboo, oblok / delok (for transport of seed), sirib ( to catch the seed size of 10 cm or more), Aspect / hanco (for fishing), lambit from nylon nets (to catch fish consumption), scoopnet (to catch fish aged one week or more)
seser (point = scoopnet, but it was bigger), rectangular-shaped nets (to catch the parent fish or fish consumption).

6.2. Seeding

1. Parent Selection

The characteristics of a good parent carp are as follows:

Has the properties of rapid growth.
b) a normal body shape (ratio of ideal length and weight).
c) a relatively small head size
d) Arrangement of scales orderly, smooth, bright colors and shiny and no injuries.
e) The normal movement and agile.
f) The sepertipisang beautiful lips, small mouth and no beards.
g) Aged between 2-5 years.

As for the features to distinguish the male parent and female parent were as follows:

- Forehead meninjol.
- The pectoral fin dark blackish light.
- Brownish white chin.
- If placed on the flat tail just moving.
- If the stomach does not produce fluid distriping.
b) Males
- Forehead prominent.
- The pectoral fin whitish light.
- The chin is yellow.
- If placed on the flat tail will go up.
- If the stomach distriping issued a white semen.

2. Parent Maintenance
Parent-parent elected (20-30 tails for swimming area of 10 m2) are stored in the parent storage pool. Give food for the shelter. For any parent with a weight between 2-3 kg of leaves were fed as much as 1 / 3 kg per day in the afternoon. Additional food in the form of fine bran brewed hot water is given two times a week with a rate of half the land each time giving blekminyak.

3. Breeding
When the process of maturation gonada (bladder eggs and sperm) in a pool shelter has reached its peak, the parent immediately included in the spawning ponds. The way pemijjahan carp are as follows:

Pond drained for five days in advance, fix the levee and the pond.
b) Do liming and fertilizing. Basic fertilization with manure dose of 7.5 kg/100 square meters and let stand for 3 days.
c) The Tanami bottom of a pond with algae plant dog tails
d) Fill the water was mixed with artificial fertilizers TSP gram/100 sebantak 500 square meters, leave for a week and then fill the water to a depth of 75 cm.
e) For the pool area of 100 square meters can be deployed parent as much as 30 females and 10 males. After spawning progresses, the 1-2 days the female parent will release her eggs into the nests are then disemproti of the male sperm so that fertilization occurs the egg. 20-30 days later, the parent-the parent is maintained well and will spawn again and a few days later the eggs will hatch.

4. Seed Maintenance
Seeds that have been aged 1-2 months from hatching can be brought up at the pond or paddy fields as penyelang. In the implementation of separation is to make draining the pond or wetland, fertilizing, dike repair, and the installation of filters or repair the pipes at the entrance of the income or expenditure of water.
After preparation is completed, the seeds were sown with a density of 30 deer / square meter and seed size of 50-10 cm in the pond. Meals can be provided for maintenance are termites or leaves that have been softened with a dose of 20-30% of average weight. Additional food in the form of fine bran brewed hot water is given a dose of times a week with a tin of kerosene to 100 fry. Separation of about 1-2 months duration.

6.3. Magnification Maintenance

1. Maintenance of enlargement can be done in polyculture and monoculture.

Dipeliharan common carp fish tawes, carp, carp, tilapia or catfish. This method is more advantageous due to the growth of carp is quite slow.
b) Monoculture
In the maintenance of separate carp, which spread the seeds must be aged a minimum of two months. Spreading the seeds of 500 tails (size 10-15 cm) wide is required around 1500 square meters swimming

2. Fertilization
Fertilization can be done with chemicals and animal manure. In general fertilizing only done one time in any maintenance, with a view to enhance natural food for pets.
The first phase at the time of fertilization made ponds dried. At this time the given fertilizer is animal manure as much as 7.5 kg for each 100 m2 swimming, water is left little by little until it reaches a height of 10 cm and left for three days.
In the next phase of fertilization by using fertilizers such as TSP or as much as 500 grams of urea fertilizer for each 100 m2 pond. Giving both fertilizers were sown evenly to every corner of the base and the pond.

3. Feeding
Carp staple food in the form of pellets that can be nourished, yet in an area somewhat difficult to obtain pellets, leaves are an excellent alternative for food fish, such as: papaya, taro, cassava, velvetleaf, purse, kale, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, squash and dadap.
Regular feeding with high quality and quantity can increase the growth of fish body faster. Parent-parent gurame healthy and secure food can be cultivated twice a year for five consecutive years.

4. Pond Maintenance / Pond
After each harvest, the pond is cleaned / drained. after fertilization was done in order to affect the fertility of the pond, so that when the seed is spread, the fertility of fish will be guaranteed and fast growth of fish.

Pests and diseases
7.1. Disease
Disorders that can cause fish death is a disease that is called non-parasitic diseases and diseases caused by parasites. Non-parasitic disorders can include water pollution, such as the presence of toxic gases such as sulfuric acid or ammonia; damage caused by the arrest or abnormalities of the body due to heredity. Overcome it is to detect the state of the pond and the fish behavior.
Necessary knowledge and sufficient experience to know. sick fish usually become thin and slow movements.
Other disorders such as parasitic disease, caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and various other microorganisms. When the fish exposed to the diseases caused by parasites, can be recognized as follows:


Diseases of the skin; in certain parts of red, especially in the chest, abdomen and base of fins.
2) Diseases of the gills, gill cover extends. Gazette gills become pale, sometimes seem to tinge red and gray
3) Diseases of the internal organs; stomach bloated fish, scales up.
Prevention of these diseases can be done by lifting and drying fish pond several days for the parasite in all stages of death. Parasites that attach to the fish body can be weeded with tweezers.
Treatment for the fish was enough memprihatikan circumstances, can be done using chemicals such as:

Treatment with Potassium Permanganate (PK)

Provide water wells or other sources of clean water in tanks in accordance with the weight of the fish to be treated.
b. Create as many as 2 PK solution gram/10 sdt/100 liter or 1.5 liter of water.
c. Soak the fish to be treated in the solution for 30-60 minutes continuously monitored.
d. If it has not healed completely, therapy can be repeated three or four days later.
2) Treatment with Neguvon. Neguvon fish soaked in solution with 2 to 3.5% during the three mernit. For deliverance rantasan parasites in the pond, the materials dissolved in water up to concentration 0.1% Neguvon ago splashed into the pond that had dried. Let stand for 2 days.
3) Treatment with kitchen salt. This is done in rural areas that are difficult to get chemicals. How: (1) to prepare water-filled container. per 100 cc of water is mixed with 1-2 grams (NaCl), stirring until smooth; (2) ill fish soaked in the solution. But because the drug is dangerous, the duration of immersion is 5-10 minutes. (3rd) After the fish was immediately transferred to a container that contains water to be moved further back into the pond, (4) treatment can be repeated 3-4 days later in the same way.
7.2. Pest
For carp seed is the main enemy interference from wild fish / predators and some species of fish as pets tawes, carp and Snakeskin Gourami. Another enemy is the monitor lizards, frogs, snakes and various birds of prey.
8.1. Arrest
Harvesting the seeds can be carried out after a month-old seedlings. The way to discourage water little by little while the water enters the channel is reduced. Fit a soft mesh on the door of expenditure to accommodate the seed or it could also create a trench in the middle of the pond toward the hole expenditure. Seeds are well maintained can reach weights 0.3 grams / fish at harvest.
The harvesting carp very tersantung enlargement of the requested size of the consumer. Harvesting is generally done after a 2-3 year old fish, two-year-old fish that has a length of approximately 25 cm and weighing 0.3 kg / head, while for three-year old fish around 35 cm in length and weight of 0.7 kg / head . For 4-year-old fish can reach 40 cm in length and weighing 1.5 kg / head.
As for how to capture: disurutkan water little by little, arrests were made in the morning. How to Avoid catching fish that can cause injury.
8.2. Cleaning
After the pool water receded, the seeds were ushered into a small plot. Then diserok and inserted into the harvest basket. Usually the time of harvest not only carp are caught, so before the fish entered the pond Pemberokan, must be selected and cleared first. Seed cleaning performed during one day. objective that was not drunk when fish are transported to market. The duration is adjusted by the amount of seed cleaning.
9.1. Handling of live fish
Sometimes these fish will be more expensive when sold in a live situation. It is worth noting that these fish to consumers in live, fresh and healthy, among others:

In the transport of water use low temperature around 20 degrees C.
b. Transportation time should be in the morning or evening.
c. Total fish density in the transport equipment not too dense.
9.2. Handling of fresh fish
Mas fresh fish is a product that quickly descended quality. Things to look for ways to conserve include:

The arrest must be done carefully so the fish are not injured.
b. Before packaging, the fish should be washed to clean and mucus.
c. Containers must be clean and enclosed carriers. To transport a short distance (2 hours drive), can be used in baskets lined with banana leaves or plastic. For long-distance transportation of used boxes and corrugated iron or fiberglass. The maximum box capacity of 50 kg with a maximum of 50 cm high box.
9.3. Fish placed in containers that are iced with a temperature of 6-7 degrees C.
Use the form of ice into small pieces (ice detached) with a ratio of ice and fish = 1:1. Basic box 4-5 cm-thick ice coated. Then the fish are prepared on the ice was 50-10 cm thick, then a layer of ice again and so on. Between fish given a box with walls of ice, as well as between fish by closing the box.

While the things that need to be considered in pananganan postharvest seed is as follows:
1. Seeds should be selected healthy fish that is free from diseases, parasites and not disabled. After that, a new fish seed is inserted into a plastic bag (closed system) or cages (open systems).
2. Water transport media used must be clean, healthy, free of pests and diseases and other organic materials. For example you can use well water that has been aerated overnight.
3. Before the fish fry must diberok transported for a few days earlier.
Use the form Pemberokan tub containing water and with good aeration. Bak Pemberokan can be made with size 1 mx 1 mx 0.5 m or 2 m. With these measures, like Pemberokan can accommodate a number of 5000-6000 seeds goldfish tail with 3-5 cm in size. The number of seeds in Pemberokan be adjusted by the size of seed.
4. By the duration / distance of deliveries, the seed transport system is divided into two parts, namely:

Open systems
Made to transport the seeds in close proximity or do not require a long time. Transporter of cages. Each cage can be filled with clean water to 15 liters and can carry about 5000 fry 3-5 cm in size.
b. Closed system
Performed for long-distance transport of seeds may take more than 4-5 hours, using a plastic bag. The volume of transport medium consisting of 5 liters of clean water are given a buffer Na2 (hpo) 4.1H2O as much as nine grams. Packaging method that transported fish with a plastic bag: (1) enter the clean water into a plastic bag and then the seed, (3) remove the air by pressing the plastic bag into the water surface, (3) circulate oxygen from the tube were poured into plastic bags 2 / third volume of the entire cavity (water: oxygen = 1:2); (4) and tied a plastic bag. (5) plastic bag inserted into dos with longitudinal position or put to sleep. Dos with the length 0.50 m, width 0.35 m, 0.50 m high and can be filled two plastic bags.

Some things to note after the seeds until their destination is as follows:
1. Prepare a solution of 25 ppm of tetracycline in the basin (one capsule tertasiklin in 10 liters of clean water).
2. Open the plastic bag, add water from the local swimming very slowly to changes in water temperature in a plastic bag occurred slowly.
3. Transfer the fish to a basin containing a solution of tetracycline for 1-2 minutes.
4. Enter the fish fry into the tub Pemberokan. In the bathtub Pemberokan fish fed sufficiently. In addition, treatment with tetracycline is 25 ppm for three consecutive days. In addition to tetrsikli
also used other drugs such as KMnO4 as much as 20 ppm or as much as 4% formalin for 3-5 min.
5. After one week of quarantine, seeding cultivation of fish in the pond.
10.1. Cultivation of Business Analysis
Estimates of business analysis for the cultivation of carp for pond during the first six months in West Java in 1999 were as follows:

1) Production costs
1) Lease of land six pond @ Rp. 80 000, -/month USD. 480 000, -
2) The seed tails per pond 4000 @ USD 150, - USD. 3.6 million, -
3) Feed
- Postal per pond seven sacks @ Rp 10.000, -
- Rambo per pond five sacks @ USD 2500, -
Rp. 420 000, -
Rp. 75.000, -
4) Drugs
- Super tetra per pond 2 tablets @ USD 1000, -
Rp 12.000, -
5) Labor 2 OH @ Rp 20.000, - USD. 40.000, -
6) Other (maintenance) to Rp. 460 700, -

Total production costs Rp. 5.0897 million -

2. 4000 tails per pond Reception @ Rp. 400, - USD. 9.6 million, -
3. Profit of Rp. 4.5103 million, -
4. Feasibility parameters
B / C Ratio
= 1.89
10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview
Raising carp, have a business prospect with a very high economic value. besides the delicious taste and soft, this fish was the darling of people. It has become tradition in every kendurian, carp dish has always been a key condition. Besides taste, the treatment is not too difficult and costly, so many fish farmers began fond, cultivate this fish, because the price of each seed is cheap to produce three times as much profit from the price of seeds. The price of carp in the market varies greatly depending on the weight of the fish.
Carp weighing 1.5 kg can achieve price USD 6000-USD 8000 depending on the circumstances at the time.
1. Rusdi, Taufiq. Cultivation of carp. Jakarta: CV. simplex, 1987
2. Sitanggang, M. Raising Gurame. Sydney: Self Publishers, 1999
3. ____________. Clipping Gurame Fish Collection. Sydney: Trubus, 1997
Rural Community Economic Development Project - BAPPENAS; Jl.Sunda Coconut No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829

Source: Rural Community Economic Development Project, Bappenas
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Labels: Fresh Water, Bus, Bus Side, Farming, Fauna, Gurame, carp, fish, carp, Nuance Business