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Quail Bird Business (Burung Puyuh)

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about animal husbandry easy with Quail Bird Business (Burung Puyuh) Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Quail Bird Business (Burung Puyuh) From category , Below : Product Details : Quail Bird Business (Burung Puyuh)

Bird egg producers known as the quail turned out to have high economic value, because the price of eggs to beat the price of eggs produced by his brother fellow bird people are chicken, duck or something else in a matter of perkilo.

Very easy maintenance, in addition to the required land area smaller than the other birds in the same amount. Bred in scale so that small businesses or businesses sampinganpun also easy.

Noteworthy in this quail pemeliharahaan include:

* Cage

* Feed

* How to care


Although easy in maintenance, laying bird has a weakness that can not stand the noise and environment changes dramatically. If for the maintenance of small scale may not be a problem, but when it comes to big-business scale, the location of the cage must be considered with the above factors. For if the stress condition is not impossible that this bird ngadat spawn.

Some of the system enclosure that can be used as an option as follows:

Litter system

For the system that this one was still rarely used by farmers in Indonesia. This system is usually used in countries that have a lot of the season. Media cage litter used in the system is 80% rice husk (can giganti with sawdust), 15% dried cow manure and 5% slaked lime.

The advantage with this medium is not necessary too often to clean sometimes, so it will save time and labor as well as a source of vitamin B-12 for quail and gives a sense of warmth during the rainy season or cold mussim.

Besides bird foot health will be maintained because the media is not the hard ground. So also issued bird droppings will be absorbed by the litter media. And most importantly can memneri busy scavenging quail remedy that will reduce the nature of cannibalism in the quail peck-peck each other.

The disadvantage is the base container of litter material must be strong and tiidak leaking from the side of the enclosure and preparation of material cost is a bit big media.

System cage / battery

Now this system is the most widely used by farmers in Indonesia, because in addition to low cost, no need to prepare the base media for the quail cage. By providing the reservoir of bird droppings (dopping board) just needs a little diligent to clean it every day. Because if it will not bring the smell of sewage ternakyang disturbing effect of environmental health including the livestock itself.

At the appropriate time to determine the cage with our desire to also be considered is the determination of the number of cattle with a broad-scale land needed to be ideal in the maintenance or care.

Scale livestock business is divided into four types, namely: quail

* Scale of household businesses with a total max 250 head of cattle.

* Scale of small businesses with the number of cattle between 250 s / d 2400 tail.

* Scale is a business with a number of cattle between 2400 s / d 8000 tail.

* Scale the number of big businesses with more than 8000 heads of cattle.

Of the four scales, the scale is large adan requires careful planning because it leads to the orientation location komersil.Untuk have to really do a careful study.

Moreover, it is considering the level of density. Ideal for every meter is only filled with 90-100 children quail, 60 tail for quail responsibility (age 10 days) and 40 tails for the size of adult quail.

If the ideal level of density is known then it is not difficult to make a plan how the tail number of quail and the land we need to start a business of this quail.


Another important factor in the success of feeding is the feeding to livestock. That's why 80% is spent to feed cattle. In the event of an error or not discipline in not feeding the profit earned will actually cripple the encounter.

Substance feed quail is fulfilled in fulfillment of the element:

* Protein

* Carbohydrates

* Fat

* Vitamins

* Mineral

* Water

Likewise with drugs when the birds get sick. In the market ready-made food (poor) is very much sold.

Maintenance mode

The life cycle is very short although quail egg production can reach 250-300 eggs per year with an average weight of 10-15 grams perbutir. Because it deserves scrutiny is the proper feeding to meet the needs of quail that the impact will occur at the maximum growth and egg.

The following rations provided under the age of poultry perekor:

Age quail ration MLP Total grams

1 day - 1 week 2

1 week - 2 weeks 4

2 weeks - 4 weeks 8

4 weeks - 5 weeks 13

5 weeks - 6 weeks 15

Above 6 weeks 17-19

For delivery to the feed so it is not absolute. For those farmers that they can give creative processed feed itself with ignoring the technologies that many cattle feed processing dikembangankan today. And hasilnyapun not inferior to the production of prabik.

In addition to egg production is the main target of breeders that are not less important is the accurate distribution of eggs to the market or consumers make more profits doubled breeders. Including anticipate the fall-rising prices of eggs and feed. This is where the art of breeding this quail. Intend to try this business ...?
Posted by Santriasli at 20:43 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Business, business, quail, quail business, Business Side, cultivation, cultivation of quail, birds, quail, Fauna, Nuance Business