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Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures RABBIT’S DAY, “WAKTUNYA KELINCI UNJUK GIGI” From Animal Husbandry. Get information, RABBIT’S DAY, “WAKTUNYA KELINCI UNJUK GIGI” facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category , Make research projects and school reports.

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Implementation of Rabbit's Day which was held on Saturday, August 7, 2010, took place lively and successful, was opened by the Head of the East Java Provincial Animal Husbandry and was attended by Echelon III and IV and his staff Livestock Service of East Java Province.

At the event held "Talk Show" about the rabbits and rabbits as well as free treatment of livestock exhibition rabbit meat processing and leather are: fresh rabbit meat, rabbit satay, etc. abon rabbits.

In his speech the Head of the East Java Provincial Animal Husbandry Department said that at this time a rabbit has to be excellent livestock in the community.

From the statistics stating that the growth of rabbit populations have continued to rise and spread widely in different regions. Rabbit is a non-ruminant livestock slaughtered potential when viewed from the aspect of production and reproduction. These cattle if managed intensively can give birth 4-8 times a year, and will be able to produce 6-8 larvae per birth, so the opportunity to be a very promising industry. The purpose of the activities of Rabbit's Day is to: 1). Introduce to the public about rabbits as a pet or domesticated animal, 2). As livestock and its various processed products, 3). Providing education to the community many things about the rabbit, 4). Introduce the types of rabbits are there in the world, 5). Provide a vehicle of communication between breeders, fans and enthusiasts of rabbits, 6). Hospital services closer Animal Husbandry Department of East Java Province. Compared with other livestock rabbits have almost no contagious diseases to humans (independent), making it very safe. Rabbit meat is also free of cholesterol and contain a property as a natural asthma medication and can help improve the nutrition society.
These are organized in cooperation of Livestock Service of East Java province, Surabaya Rabbit Pradika Trijaya FM and supported by Singapore, Sri Pandaan Restaurant, Hospital, Department of Animal Husbandry, Pet and Wild Animal KMPV FKH-Airlangga University, and Vita kraff and Cuny Crispy which is a producer rabbit fodder.