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Benefits Swallow Nests

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Swallow Bird Nest Soup: Fresh Energy

If you hear the word saliva may have some people who feel disgusted. Some countries like Singapore, Hong Kong and the PRC spits strictly prohibited by law. But still in the country with the implementation of Singapore's top law though, still there is one creature that was not banned spitting, even advisable because it can increase national income.

So precious creatures who spit it none other than the swiftlet. With thick saliva swiftlet makes its nest. Thick saliva that dries when exposed to air. Nowadays in the world known two types of swallow nest swiftlet nests which are harvested in the caves in the mountains, as well as swallow nest on the roof of the harvesting of old houses is more popular as a nest swiftlet home. Swiftlet makes its nest on the roof of the old houses usually have been cultivated by families or companies that do business like this since long. Because of its natural and rare (Many swiftlet nest harvesters who met his end of each year when the harvest in the cave) the selling price of a cave swallow nest is far more expensive than homemade swallow nest. In the market, also known term swallow nest clean and dirty. The net is a swallow bird's nest that has been washed and cleaned and ready to be cooked.

Swiftlet nests are generally easily available in the market or drug store in Chinatown. Usually sold in containers or kiloan. In restaurants swiftlet nests are usually presented in the form of soups or sweets for dessert. Yan Wo so his name is pronounced in Mandarin, has for centuries made the upscale food. High nutrient content which makes it is believed to have aphrodisiac properties as that in a certain period can only be enjoyed by the nobility in ancient China.

Many sinshes and expert blending of traditional China medicine swallow nest into the tonic amplifier. Later swallow bird's nest soup is packaged and produced in a modern way as one tonic energy enhancer. Unfortunately the price is very expensive, so even though the modern era and the nobility was no longer monopolize every aspect of this earth, swallow nest is still not affordable by everyone.

If you want to try to own properties at home, make a swallow bird's nest soup with materials swiftlet nests that have been cleaned and cooked in chicken broth. Just add spices like black pepper, garlic, and ginger. If you want more usefulness increases, could add ginseng or lotus root is also efficacious as generating excitement.