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Business Ayam Kampung

Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Business Ayam Kampung From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Business Ayam Kampung facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category , Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with Business Ayam Kampung Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Business Ayam Kampung From category , Below : Product Details : Business Ayam Kampung

Agribusiness as well that never dry. This is not the way other industries kosong.ketika storm collapsed the monetary crisis, this sector proved to remain strong. Really? for the local component is dominant, the answer is: true.

In the field of animal husbandry, for example, businesses chicken (broilers) direct collapse as the crisis lasts. Be advised to swallow a lot of chicken this type of dollars, starting from seed, feed raw materials, medicines hinggaperalatan.

Diternakan different story if the chicken or free-range chicken (not race) is 100% authentic Indonesian. According to data from the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry, the year 1998 the population of native chicken has increased approximately 1% over the previous year, far different from the chicken that fell to 70%.

Production of chicken eggs (Leghorn) laying such a year could reach 300 points. While chicken reared exclusively at best, only 100 eggs. Likewise with broiler chickens (broilers). His body quickly bongsor, within 30 days to reach 1 kg. While the chicken takes three months to reach the same live weight. It's just the price of chicken meat and eggs is higher, the excess.

The advantage is clear

When the serious business profits hatching chicken was quite tempting. Currently the price of a chicken USD 800. While the price of a newly hatched chicks or commonly called DOC (Day Old Chick), approximately USD 2000 perekor, fortunately means that hatched more than 100%? large indeed.

Finding eggs

Basically not difficult if want painstaking. Therefore, eggs can be obtained in the villages. In the maintenance trdisional, generally every parent mating with a male chicken. So that the resulting eggs are eggs that are sprouting or that could in tetaskan. Can also through carrying herbalist, market-local markets are also easily found.


Tetas machine can be obtained in two ways. If no money can buy tetas machine itself. They cost between USD 700 thousand to $ 5 million, depending on the accommodation. For this one tool, many of which are sold around Tangerang.

If you want to rent can be found around Rawa Belong, Jakarta Barat. It would be more profitable if they had their own incubators with a large capacity. In addition to his own use, also can be rented.


Needless to market confusion chicks. Many of the course. Among others, through free-range chicken farmer cooperatives Jakarta. Or it can directly work with local chicken breeders. If not satisfied with the results of the chick, this business can be developed as an integrated business. That is, besides the chicken, also raising broilers (broiler) and egg.

In the create your own feed

Who would not want to grow their business. For that, it's worth a rancher also mastered the making of food. Since the crisis continues, not small rancher, both broilers and layers, which folded. Cause yes, since most rely on imported raw materials. While the feed from local raw materials are actually the aspect of quality is not lost, still farmers rarely glimpsed.

From the waste of money to buy livestock feed ingredients is a good idea to learn tricks to make their own feed, as shown below. (Tables I & II).

Business pattern is already dujalani Ekok Wakradiharjo, chicken farmer who lived in Jagarkarsa, South Jakarta. By using local food he is able to reap considerable income.

From 1000 ox tail, at least once every month pocketed profits of Rp. 1.4 million. That is just from the sale of broiler chicken. So not including eggs, chicken and chicken manure afkiran have lately become seizure farmers because the price of chemical fertilizer is very expensive.

AKS (Shipments Bambang Suharno, Bekasi).

Tabel 1. Komposisi Starter 1
No komponen penggu-
1. Jagung 53 1400 742
2. Bungkil kedelai 10 4250 425
3. Pollar/ dedak padi 22 500 110
4. Tepung ikan 12 4000 480
5. Tepung tulang 3 2250 67,5

Total 100

Tabel II: Komposisi Starter 2

No komponen penggu-
1. Jagung 50 1400 700
2. Bungkil kedelai 10 2250 225
3. Pollar/ dedak padi 29 500 145
4. Tepung ikan 8 4000 320
5. Tepung tulang 3 2250 67,5

Total 100
Analisis Keuntungan
Usaha Ayam Kampung Pedaging
Per 1.000 ekor
per 3 bulan
A. Investasi

Kandang dgn biaya perekor @ Rp. 7.000 Rp. 7.000.000.

B. Biaya Lancar

DOC 1.000 ekor @ Rp. 1.800 Rp. 1.800.000.


a. Starter1 1000 kg @ Rp. 1.824,5/kg Rp. 1.824.500.

b. Starter2 1500 kg @ Rp. 1.657,5/kg Rp. 2.486.250.

Vaksin dan jamu 1000 ekor x Rp. 150 x 2 Rp. 300.000.

Listrik Rp. 100.000 x 3 = Rp. 300.000.

Kematian Ternak 10% Rp. 180.000.

Penyusutan Kandang (usia 4 tahun) Rp. 145.830.

Total Biaya Rp. 7.036.580.

C. Pendapatan

Ayam ukuran 0,9 kg @ Rp. 14.000/kg x 900 ekor (mati 10%) Rp. 11.340.000.

D. Analisis Keuntungan

Keuntungan bersih = Pendapatan - Biaya Lancar = Rp. 4.303.420

Catatan :

Pakan untuk starter 1 digunakan dari umur 0 hari sampai 4 minggu. Selanjutnya gunakan starter 2 hingga panen sekitar umur 3 bulan. Pada saat tersebut bobot hidup sekitar 0,9 kg/ekor

Ciri umum bibit unggul
  • Bagian tubuh tak ada yang rusak atau cacat. Misalnya kaki utuh dan leher lurus. Otot kempal dan kuat terutama dibagian paha dan dada. Tulangnya juga kuat
  • Susunan bulu teratur,saling meng- himpit dan tampak mengkilat. Kondisi bulu yang baik tersebut mencerminkan keadaan kulit yang baik pula.
  • Mata cerah dan pandangannya tampak tajam.
  • Gerakannya gesit yaitu mudah berontak bila dipegang.
  • Ukuran badannya sedang, tidak kurus dan tidak gemuk.
  • Induk jantan mempunya jengger yang berwarna merah cerah, kepala tampak kokoh,paruh pendek,tajam dan kuat. Selain itu, keturunannya bukan berasal berasal dari anak induk betina.
  • Jarak ujung tulang dada dengan cloaca(dubur) berjarak minimal 3 jari tangan
Analisis Keuntungan


Biaya Lancar :
  1. Membeli telur tetas 500 butir x Rp 800 = Rp 400.000
  2. Sewa mesin tetas 500 butir x Rp 100 = Rp 50.000
  3. Biaya lain-lain = Rp 50.000
  4. Total Biaya Lancar= Rp 500.000
Pendapatan :
  1. 500 butir x 80 % x 2000 = Rp. 800.000
Keuntungan :
  1. Rp 800.000 – Rp 500.000 = Rp. 300.000