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History and how to breed parakeets

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Is it profitable breed parakeets? How livestock management? Here are all a little about breeding parakeets agroburung cited. com from Animal Husbandry, who writes like this.

Shaw, an author of Zoology of New Holland to name this little bird called Melopsittacus undulates. Melopsittacus comes from Greek, melos, meaning song and psittacua which is a reference to the relatives of birds parakeet. While undulus from the Latin meaning patterned. This wavy pattern that may be associated with a parakeet feather color variety.

In the year 1831 one of the museums in London, Linne Society exhibit displays a dead parakeet, but it looks like a still life in one room. This is what finally invited the various parties, particularly experts in the field of perburungan. Among them are John Gould. Starting from where history was brought to England parakeets.

Success in Belgium

In 1850 the development of this crooked beaked birds began to successfully breed the animals Antwerpens orchards, Belgium. Because the beauty of this bird plumage several other European countries began to follow-up to import these birds in large numbers. Finally bred parakeets have started everywhere.

In yellow parakeet feathers are produced in Belgium in 1872 and in Germany in 1875 with the same color. Blue color that appears next in 1878. And the white color of 1917 until the year 1940 following the peak of the diversity of this parakeet feather color.

Causing wide spread of the bird is a lot designations. The Dutch called it Undulated parkeet grass. If the French were calling with the title Ondule Perche. While the Germans used the name Wellensittich.


Parakeet loves life and is very easy to customize colonize in the cage captivity. Common in the wild parakeets breed in the month from October to December. When the mating season the male usually sings in a tone of persuasion to lure females. Up to one another when there is a match then the marriage will soon take place.

Parakeet egg weight ranges from 2.5 grams / grains with an average number of eggs laid 6 eggs / pair parakeets. Even this bird known to be very faithful to their partners. When the females were laying eggs so the male is active will wait outside with a whistle entertaining at the same time will drive when there is intruder approached the nest.

Son of a new parakeet out of its egg shell weighted average of 2.35 grams with eyes still closed condition. After nine days before his eyes open.

After the age of 30 days before the child started parakeets are ready to leave the nest to learn to fly. But despite already began flying, the female usually still fed up to the age of 40 days. After the usual age for marriage preparation for the new generation will be performed.

Children begin to mature sexually for parakeets mating after 90 days of age. The male will soon be old enough to entice females to be paired mautnya whistles that will mengembangbiakan offspring.

Easy ditangkar

Treatment was relatively easy bird species. Enclosure required is not so great though for breeding though. Size 40 x 40 x 60 cm is enough to start breeding. While to display the beauty of common cage size was memadahi.

But because it is like to colonize a variety of colors and diversity of this it would not be wrong if we set the size of a rather large cage. In addition we can put a few pairs. The beauty of colorful colorful parakeet with each other will be very clear.

Here are tips on maintenance of this parakeet:

* Try to select a different main color.

* Choose a look already fits with their partner because it's easier to breeding

* Adjust the size of the cage with the number of couples that are not too crowded so the result is less good for the health of birds including the damage in terms of enjoying it. 'Private House' which is generally made from cotton wood shaped into a box provided for each pair of parakeets.

* Prepare well as reserves for the breeding cage when the pair of birds has begun production.

* Keep the availability of food and drink. Usahan in clean condition

* Dispose of food that start rotting due to excess feeding mainly in vegetables such as bean sprouts, corn or other

* The main dishes is millet bird (note, in Solo, on average main fed millet) are also easily available at kiosks selling bird food.

Thus more or less.

Hopefully useful.