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Snail sate: Helpful Cure Disease (Sate Bekicot)

Animal husbandry Facts, information, pictures Snail sate: Helpful Cure Disease (Sate Bekicot) From Animal Husbandry. Get information, Snail sate: Helpful Cure Disease (Sate Bekicot) facts, and pictures about animal husbandry, category Make research projects and school reports.

about animal husbandry easy with Snail sate: Helpful Cure Disease (Sate Bekicot) Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry Snail sate: Helpful Cure Disease (Sate Bekicot) From category Below : Product Details : Snail sate: Helpful Cure Disease (Sate Bekicot)

Snail is often known as a living animal attached hemaprodit didaun unusual public consumption as a side dish. But in Bojonegoro, East Java - Indonesia, snail sate seasoning popular peanut surrounding communities. Besides the delicious taste, snail meat has exceptional properties for asthma drug and itching - itchy.

Menu can be found dikedai snail sate simple edge Soepratman WR Bojonegoro Road, East Java. Warung sate sate snail known as pioneered in 2002 by Mrs Astuti Reef Village, District Bojonegoro city, five years ago.

Assisted her husband in her home Riyadi Kuncoro Way Gang 3, they both prepare satay menu before the sale in 2002 of his satay stall. Previously boiled until cooked snails to be easy to separate the meat from the shell. After the meat separate from the shell, then sliced into small pieces - small. Only after that piece of snail meat is pierced with, or better known sujen dijongkok.

Every day 500 snail meat skewers should be prepared to meet the customers. Every hour 4 pm with the pedicab driver was escorted off to shop customers Tuti snail sate his own. Meanwhile, prepare the seasoning Tuti satay, which is composed of red onion, roasted peanuts, chili, lime and soy sauce pecel, the husband prepares the grilled satay.

He intentionally made spice seasoning peanut satay typical snail, because it will add citrarasa savory taste delicious. Every afternoon until the evening of 02 satay stalls would crowded Astuti invaded our customers. No need to spend too deep. To enjoy a sufficient portion of snails with 4000 dollars, 10 skewers of tasty snail can we eat and 1,000 rupiah for a plate of white rice cake or rice.

Besides the delicious taste makes a lot of people addicted, snail sate reputedly efficacious remedy for asthma and itchy. Snail sate business pioneered by Astuti and her husband for five years, a lot has been supporting the economic needs of the family until her child is able to finance college.