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To earn money the snail

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TEN women as competing to enter the snail meat slices into a small bamboo skewers, Thursday (5 / 7) afternoon, at home Supari, a businessman and chips snail sate Plosokidul Village, District Plosoklaten, Kediri District.

The women were paid an honorarium by Satumi, wife Supari. Each one thousand skewers made of snails, each worker gets wage of Rp 1,500. "Anything that can make up to two thousand puncture, even three thousand. But there are only a thousand, depending on the fast-slow their work," says Satumi.

The women worked from 10:00 until 17:00 o'clock. From a worker's hand, the business of satay and crackers are activated snail-Satumi Supari husband and wife, could continue to beat until now.

The majority of snails that business employees, are mothers of households around the residence Supari, who wants to get extra income. "I used to come to work here, starting at 10 till half 11. Anyway, after they finish cooking at home," said one of them.

Business satay and crispy snail, no doubt, is one alternative shelter Plosokidul jobs for residents. Therefore, it is not just Supari who operate businesses in Plosokidul.

Besides him, there are four similar businessman in the village. They are Karsi, Karmin, and Jumiran. With four processing units snail's household, at least accommodated approximately 45 employees, with revenues between USD 1,500 to USD 4,500.

In these houses, thousands of snail raw, processed in such a way to sate and chips that are ready to eat snails. Raw snail-after dipecahi "home"-direct trampled with boots, in the vat.

It serves to eliminate rolling snail slime. After that, snail meat washed, dibelahi, washed again and then fried. Typically, time-consuming snails pan 15 minutes.


FOR Supari who worked as laborers in the sugar factory, the additional income from the business satay and crispy snail, very helping in meeting the needs of everyday life. It is a derivative of the effort that parents, Supari and Satumi average net profit of between Rp 25,000 to Rp 30,000 per day.

Every day, they bought eight quintal snails from a private boarding school in the district, Kediri. Per kilo, the price of raw snails USD 500. Of the eight quintal, four quintal directly processed the same day, while four other quintal stored to be cooked the next day.

He acknowledged, in the dry season like now, the price of more expensive raw snails than usual, because snails rarely emerged. Today, the usual snail worth Rp 400 per kilogram, up to Rp 600 to Rp 700.

After the skewers are cooked and ready to eat snails, Satumi sell it to a number of traders snail sate. For one thing, to stall "Lumintu", which belongs to none other than his own mother. In the sate and chips shop snail, the small package chips sold at Rp 1,500, and a large parcel of Rp 3000.

Meanwhile, snail sate, each 10 puncture the price of Rp 1000. Warung "Lumintu" which is also located in the Village Plosokidul, can virtually never be devoid of visitors. "Everyday, many customers who come and eat here," said one shop worker.

Sugiyanto, a snail sate customers' Lumintu "said he came to every Kediri, always dropping into the satay Plosoklaten to eat there. He argues, a sense of snail meat always makes it "missed", because it's tasty and slightly salty.

"Hence, each to Kediri, I always drop in to eat here," explained the employee is headquartered in Surabaya, but often traveled to towns and cities in East Java - Indonesia.