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about animal husbandry easy with CULTIVATION snail Responsible for livestock production.

The growth and development of the Animal Husbandry CULTIVATION snail From category Below : Product Details : CULTIVATION snail


( Achanita spp. )


Snails from East Africa, spread throughout the world in a relatively short time, due to rapidly proliferate. Snail spread eastward to the islands of Mauritius, India, Malaysia, finally to Indonesia. Snail since 1933 there has been around Jakarta, other sources state that Achatina fulica snail species into Indonesia in 1942 (during the Japanese occupation). Until recently, Achanita fulica snail species exist in Java.
Sentra farm snails are mostly found in rural East Java, Bogor (West Java), North Sumatra and Bali.
3. J E N I S

Commonly reared snail Achatina fulica is a lot of people liked, because it contains a lot of snail meat species. It is said that in Europe, this snail species used as food ingredients called escargot. Escargot Helix pomatia original raw material. Because Helix pomatia long run is difficult to obtain the type of Achatina fulica snail replace it as raw material escargot.

In addition to snails is a source of livestock feed high-quality animal protein because it contains essential amino acids complete. Communities like the food from raw materials snail (snail sate,
Snail chips) is a community of Kediri.

Besides, the snail is often used in traditional medicine, because the extract of snail meat and mucus is very useful for treating various diseases such as abortion, menstrual period pain, inflammation of the lining of the eye, tooth pain, itching, heart and others. While the skin of snails is very efficacious for tumor diseases. A drug that is known comes from the skin of the snail, called Maulie., Which can cure many diseases such as seizures, heart pounding like it, can not sleep / insomania, swollen neck and diseases including whiteness women

Need to choose the location closest to the road, to ensure easy handling, both during manufacture of the cage, while controlling and postharvest handling, which means that at the time of the harvest brings no difficulties in transportation. Appropriate location for snail farming is the location of the wet and moist and protected from direct sunlight. In addition, the preferred soil is soil which contains lime as a substance for forming the shell.

6.1. Preparation Facility and Equipment

Although the land that is required is not too broad but the requirements regarding humidity and shade of the housing need to be considered, because in the original and a good breed for snail pleased with the moist and shady conditions. Cage was established in the soil is dry, shady, humid with temperatures ranging from 25-30 degrees C.

Maintenance mode snails are not too difficult. Can be done separately, meaning that small snails are maintained separately from the major. Can also be done in a mixture, namely small and large snails reared in one cage without looking at age / size. If carried out separately the risks should be made a few cages. The function of the cage, among others, for hatching, rearing and as a holding cage.

There are three ways berternak snails in the cage, among others:

a. Wooden box enclosure

Cage made of sheets of plywood with legs. For wood frame can be used kaso. Length and width of enclosure is 1 x 1 meter, 1.25 meter high. On top of the box is given a screen, so that snails are not out of the cage. We suggest on the box need to be made into shelters, to state the place was always dark / no direct sun.
b. Cages of cement tanks

Making this same cage with a wooden box enclosure. In cement tanks that need to be considered is the base. To create a humid atmosphere, the base of cement must be given to soil and worms to the soil and absorb dirt menggemburkan issued snail. Thick layers of soil in the vessel approximately 30 cm. Food substances needed snails must always be available on the vessel.
c. Cage excavation

Excavated soil with the length, width and height of 1 x 1 x 1 m. It should be noted that mineral soil should be used for the enclosure chosen a rather dry. Cage should be made under a leafy tree, if the walls need to be too wet sand layer.

To keep the situation is always dark, like how the first and second, on top of cage beds need to be made as a cover. Harvest time, when the cage was made of soil excavation, carried out by means of uptake that can be clamped using a pole to snails and snail eggs were not damaged.

2. Equipment
The tools necessary to manufacture the cage: wood, cement, masonry sand, gauze and a hoe.

Peyiapan Seeds
Not all types of snails suitable for propagation. Two common types of snails are farmed, ie species Achatina Variegata and Achatina fulica. Achanita fulica snail species traits are usually colored lines on the shell / shell is not so obvious. While these types of Achatina Variegata color stripes on the shell thickness and berbuku-books. There are some technical guidelines for selecting seeds / DOC (Day Old Chicken) DOC:

1) Selection of Candidates for the Master Seed

If the seed is not available then as a first step can be used to collect local seeds with the road there are a lot of snails in the garden of bananas, coconuts, and shrubs. Good snails that are not used as seed is damaged / defective a great while and weighing approximately 75-100 g / fish.
2) Reproduction and Marriage

Snail usually start mating at the age of six to seven months of maintenance in place sufficient to meet the requirements. During mating the female snail began to back away to a safer place. Snail laying eggs everywhere. The number of eggs per hatch is usually more than fifty points (50 100). The number of fertile egg production depends on the snail itself. Large snail eggs no more than 2 mm.
3) Birth Process

Snail eggs will hatch after age enough. At the time the eggs hatch and become a child shell, usually not attended by their parents. Once completed snails lay eggs, the eggs were abandoned. Snail eggs will break itself through natural processes.

Snails hatching until a child depends on the circumstances where and when hatching. When the place was eligible (perfect) as soil moisture, climate and sufficient light, then the eggs will soon hatch. Conversely, if a state land / dry climate and place less profitable then the eggs will later hatch.

Maintenance of snails can be done by a separate and can also be mixed in one place. Although a separate manner requires special place but there are advantages. For example, child development in a snail can be known exactly, both magnitude and age. Thus, it is easy to give special treatment. For a very easy breeder snail would if the child care done at snail's special places. The snails can be given their children food with some kind of food algae (moss), faded leaves and a little lime. It must be remembered, let the place is always shady and moist. Once the child is old snail two / three months, shall be transferred kekandang enlargement.

Snail farming success depends on how care and technical maintenance for farmed. Some technical maintenance in snail farming among others include:

1) Keeping the humidity environment

Snail loves moist places so as to maintain humidity environment can be used in the roof or other protection. In the summer humidity environment with a splash of water dapatdipertahankan farm location every day.
2) Maintain the condition likngkungan

Snails like damp, but not necessarily on the muddy ground. So that the necessary efforts to maintain environmental conditions in accordance with the desired snail.
3) The food quality on a regular basis

To be successful with a good result of conducting the necessary quality and feeding regularly. The food is based on the quality of food and mealtime habits. Good quality food will determine the quality of snail meat. Good quality feed that can be fulfilled by giving the feed form the preferred foliage and fruit. For example, leaves and fruits of papaya, spinach leaves, cucumber eggplant fruit, swai and others.
4) Maintain the area so as not to enter any other animal

So that snails can grow baiak without interference from animals and animals that are enemies who can take the food then the farm must be maintained so as not accessible other animals.
5) Keeping snail in order not to get out of the area pemeliaraan.
To keep the snails are not out of the area can be done about
as follows:
a. create a closed cage (if the cultivation of snails in the cage)
b. build a fence topped smeared with detergent
c. scatter ashes or salt around the inside of the fence.
7. Pests and diseases
Until now not much is known about the presence of pests or diseases that can cause the death of snails, except the ants, ducks, and ducks.
8. P A N E N

With good maintenance, starting snails can be harvested after 5-8 months. physically can be seen when the shell length has reached 8-10 cm, the snails are ready for their meat.

The main result is meat from livestock snails, which can be processed directly with satay made, chips, beef jerky / other fresh dishes and can also be processed in the form of canned. There is also demand in keadan life. Addition of snail meat can be used as flour, which is processing through the first drying process.
Besides their meat, skin / shell snail behavior also for sale. Good for basic materials obat-obatan/dibuat additional flour for food for animals in need-based flour that contained calcium.
8.2. Arrest
Snails collected in a cardboard box / crate out of wood and do not use burlap sacks because snails can lead to broken skin. Once inserted in the chest, once needs to be done first in order to avoid washing all dirt and mud attached to the shell. This washing by spraying with clean water snails. After that, Snail in quarantine for 1-2 day / night without any food to feces and mucus out as much as possible.

After doing penagkapan and collecting snails and sorting done by way of throwing a dead snail or too small for processing. Then do the salting, by providing salt 10-15% of the total weight of the snail, in a way mix evenly. Salting can be deadly snail mucus as well as possible.

After going through the stages of salting, immediately boiled with 3% salt water for 10 minutes, then removed and sprayed with cold water, just do pencukilan meat. Boiling both performed after the stomach was removed and other impurities in 3% salt solution. This method aims to remove mucus and the meat becomes more tender. Then the meat is wrapped and packed in cartons.

10.1. Cultivation of Business Analysis
Approximate analysis method, the garden snail farming in Kediri (East Java) with total area of 4000 m2 in 1999.

1) Production costs
a. Lease Land 4,000 m2 USD. 200.000, -
b. Spawn @ USD 100 tails. 50, -
Rp. 5000, -
c. Making fences and channel 5 HOK @ Rp. 5000, -
Rp. 25.000, -
d. Bamboo fence 10 trees @ Rp. 2000, - USD. 20.000, -
e. Feeding and Maintenance of Rp. 120,000, -
f. Harvest and post harvest USD. 100.000, -
g. Other USD. 30.000, -
Total production costs Rp. 500.000, -

2) Revenue
- Snail ready to harvest 30,000 fish = 100 kg @ Rp. 100, - USD. 10.000, -
- Children snail 60.000, -
- 9,030,000 snail eggs Eggs
Furthermore, the results can be done daily harvest of 100 kg and income per month is Rp. 300.000, - and the growth of snails from a snail and snail egg laying, and so on.

3) Benefits
From snail farming can be obtained profit of Rp. 180,000, - per month and USD. 6000, - per day.
10.2. Agribusiness Opportunity Overview
Snail meat is a promising export commodities, because its price is quite expensive international market. In the period January-July 1988 snail meat export price of U.S. $ 1.82 per kg. This causes menculnya Ranch Nucleus (PIR) with the Commodity snail. There is already a lot of standing firms snail meat manager, who can expedite the marketing of the market as an export commodity.

1) Kusnin Asa. 1984. Snail Farming. Work Bhratara script. Jakarta
2) Pinus L. 1988. Snail Farming for France, in Trubus, February
3) Victor Zebua (1988). Acting Leaves Abundant worm snail, the Daily People's Sovereignty, 17 September 1988.
4) S. Sadhori Naryo 1997. Snail Farming Techniques. Balai Pustaka. Jakarta.
1) Rural Community Economic Development Project - BAPPENAS
Jl. Sunda Kelapa No. 7 Jakarta, Tel. 021 390 9829, Fax. 021 390 9829
2) Office of Research and Technology Minister, Deputy Science and Technology Empowerment and Socialization,
BPPT Building II, 6th Floor, Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 8, 10340th Jakarta, Indonesia,
Tel. +62 21 316 9166 ~ 69, FAX. +62 21 310 1952,
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Rural Community Economic Development Project, Bappenas